Dec 30, 2008 22:06
Sorry for the lack of new scans posts lately, it's because I've been busy with playing games and also preparing for the Christmas and New Year releases for my manga scanlation group, Eternal.
Hopefully there will be something new in January, but I'm not sure yet. I still have games to play and I still need to run my manga scanlation group...haha. I will also be working on a detailed Skills FAQ for Tales of Vesperia at the same time.
Lots of Tales of Magazine scanning to do, and that is my priority as far as scans go, but I won't be putting up any more scans until I've set up an image gallery at my webhost and uploaded all the previous scans there and also provide batch download links for them. I hope that this will make the scans easier to view via thumbnails and preview images instead of people having to click every single link just to see what the scan is. This is also for the benefit for people with slower internet connections. The batch downloads will be for people that want the entire set of scans. If you just want only certain pages, then you can just save them from the gallery =D
Keep an eye out for the changes coming in 2009! I hope you'll like them =)