Hello everyone! I don't mean to spam the community or anything but I was really wondering if any of you rp! ^___^;; I just started up this new Tales of Series AU rp community and I hoped some of you would take a look~ ^^;;
Here's the ad, please consider it~!
tales_high Introducing a Tales of Series AU RP set in an amazing highschool setting with an awesome cast of characters that everyone knows and loves from your favorite Tales Games.
Taken Characters so far:
Tales of the Abyss -- Guy, Jade, Peony, Asch, Luke, Dist
Tales of Symphonia -- Colette
Tales of Symphonia 2 -- Aster
Tales of Highschool is everything you could want in an AU including, plot twists, events, and a little interaction from everyone. With a flamboyant principal to monitor and run the school who could ask for more!? So what are you waiting for! Come on and join the fun!!
Roleplay however you please with very limited rules. Keeping IC you can play drama, seriousness, silliness, crack, tragedy or whatever suits your fancy.
Application Post-----Rules-----
Questions Page-----