I've recently undergone some major computer problems. I am in the process of a reinstallation on my main computron, and, there may be an inaccurate character sheet or two floating about.
If you have recently earned XP and should have, but didn't level, please let me know...thanx!
UPDATE: I apologize for any errors thatmay have occured yesterday. I had a computer problem which was only accelerated by the fact that my Copy of Word 2003 seems to be corrupted.
Pat, Josuke, and Geo's character sheets have been made up to date. Sorry again for any errors!
In other news, I'm beginning a Help guide for Elynrea, which will contain assistance for any players. Within it, will be a Compedinum to all feats, with detailed explanations of each skill.
IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS OR QUESTIONS, PLEASE POST THEM HERE!!! Note: Do not post any "What other skills will I get?" questions; These will be answered once the Spell guide is up.
Sorry about the delay in this.
Takign actions: This has been a really big problem among players. Actions are essentially optional choices your character can mke when interacting with the world. These actions can be found on the bottom of a players character sheet. SOme can be used in any situation, others can only be used when appropriate or if certain conditions are met (ie: Climb Rope)
In order to take an action, Put it in bold.
Remember, that using actions can be benefical if you have the stats for it.
What Actions do:
Activate Skill: Activates a Skill, Can be used in and out of combat
Attack: Combat Attack
Attack Spell: Combat Attack Spell
Climb Rope/Jump: An action which allows a player to reach higher ground. Rope is necessary for climbing certain surfaces.
Climb Surface: An action which allows a player to reach higher ground. Climbing gear greatly enhances this feat.
Defend: Passive Defense in Combat.
Defensive Spell: Defensive Spell.
Fire Ranged: Combat Ranged Attack.
Flee: Flee from Battle.
Heal (non-spell): Heals self or target player. Effect is greatly enhanced by equipment, such as a bandage.
Intimidate: Scare an NPC character into submitting to your will.
Listen: Listen for sounds of danger, or to investigate an area.
Persuade: Persuade a NPC character into doing what you wish.
Ride: Requires a mount. Allows you to access a Mount. Equipment enhances this action.
Sense Motive: Attempt to figure out what a character is thinking/planning.
Sneak: Move stealthily to avoid detection.
Survey: Discerns information about an item/machine/area.
Swim: Travel in water.
Use Physical Item: Allows you to use an item. Potions and other such items are not included in this action; These can be used without problem.
Use Magic Item: Allows you to use a magical item. Potions and other such items are not included in this action; These can be used without problem.
Another big problem.
Feats: Feats are catergories of a specific skill-set. Essentially, Feats provide 95% of all spells, attacks, skills, and other player cast benefits in the game. Each class of character has access to roughly 10-14 different feats, which they can unlock during the course of the game. TO UNLOCK A FEAT, PLAYERS NEED FEAT POINTS, which are earned by leveling, completing quests, and killing bosses.
There are 2 types of Feats: Character-Leveled and Valued
Character-Level feats literally level with the character. New skills are provided during certain levels of growth.
Valued feats require the player to spend points to level it. After a Feat is unlocked, PLAYERS CAN USE SKILL POINTS to level Valued feats. Skill points are unlocked similarly to Feat points, but are acquired more easily.
Once a feat cannot level any longer, it requires an Elite Skill Point to Max the skill out. These points are obtainable through leveling (Higher levels obtain them) and through defeating the most dangerous bosses (Elite Bosses).
NOTE: Certain Feats, like Weaponskills and Damage Absorption, will grant a passive ability , but WILL NOT grant any special Skills that the player themself can use. See Passive Abilities in the Skills section.
Skills: Skills are the assorted spells, attacks, and skills that are granted from unlocking a feat. There are several types of skills: Attack Skills, Defensive Skills, Attack Magic, Defensive Magic, Skills, Summons, Crafting, Gathering, Passive Abilities.
Attack Skills: Are attacks which require no mana to use.
Defense Skills: Defensive actions which require no mana. These may be used outside of combat depending on situation.
Attack Magic: Attack Skills: Are attacks which require mana to use.
Defense Skills: Defensive actions which require mana. These may be used outside of combat depending on situation.
General Skills: Actions which provide a benefit or simply enhance gameplay. Turning Invisible is an example.
Summons: A spell which Summons a type of commandable Pet to aid the caster. This action requires mana; certain summons require combat.
Crafting: Skills which require no mana, but materials, to produce usable items and even constructs at the command of a player.
Gathering: Searches the area for usable goods of a certain type, such as Ore or Food.
Passvie Abilities: Special non-usable skills, which will trigger automatically when situations are met.
Elite Feats: Special Feats which can only be unlocked durign certain circumstances. These are powerful groups of skills, which are usually obtainable at higher levels (c. lvl 10)
Generally, a character can only learn 3 Elite Feats (not including ones the character themself makes elite through Elite Skill Points). Elite Feats are Valued; Note that the onyl way to level these is by using Elite Skill Points, which are hard to come by. Elite Skills also generally have a requirement before obtaining them: An example is with the Summoner class's need to have Elite Guardians and Nature Spirits before they can access Summoning: Aeons.
Each elite Feat will have a specific Side-Quest to obtain them.
Also, to Max out an Elite Feat, an Elite Feat point is needed.
Other uses for Elite Skill Points: Certain skills, which you will find once I have posted the Spell Compedinum, can also be leveled to an Elite Status for supreme effect.
How to Level Feats:
Normal Feat:
TO UNLOCK = Feat Point
TO LEVEL = Skill Point (only if Valued)
TO MAX = Elite Skill Point
Elite Feat:
TO UNLOCK = Certain Circumstance (quest related)
TO LEVEL = Elite Skill Point
TO MAX = Elite Feat Point