Firstly, I've added a new feature to the character sheets. Please see me for a new copy.
Coinage: Coinage is the ability to turn mined ore into currency which can be used to buy...well, whatever!
After deliberation, Coinage is not going to be included with the Mining Skill nor the crafting skill, as it is neither. Coinage will also allow for the extraction of Perfect Jewels from processed stone. Perfect Jewels are pre-shined, and can only be used for creation of Custom Items.
As with other Secondary Feats, Coinage has 5 levels with a total of 60 XP points to earn.
Lvl 0: 1-11XP - Copper Ore to Copper Coins, Perfect Quartz from Rough Stone
Lvl 1: 12-23XP - Silver Ore to Silver Coins, Perfect Amethysts from Rough Stone
Lvl 2: 24-35XP - Gold Ore to Gold Coins, Perfect Emeralds from Coarse Stone
Lvl 3: 36-47XP - Perfect Sapphires from Coarse Stone, Platinum Ore to Platnum Bars
Lvl 4: 48-59XP - Perfect Rubies from Coarse Stone
Lvl 5: 60XP - Perfect Diamonds from Coarse Stone
Specialty Crafting: The ability to create custom wearable items which grant unique abilities and benefits to the wearer. Specialty Crafting also allows for unacquirable spells to be learned. This feat requires recipies to craft, which can be bought from Apothocaries and Merchants, as well as found in world. Raw Craftables-the items required to fit the upgrades to- can be pruchased from Specialty Crafters. 5 Levels, 60XP points.
Lvl 0: Craft Bracelet: 1 Stat Spot
Lvl 3: Craft Necklace: 2 Stat Spots
Lvl 5: Craft Armor-Graft: 3 Stat Spots
(More later...)