Title: Absolute Perfection
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Van/Asch, Van/Luke; Mentioning of Dist
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Combination of #2 and #3.
Words: Perfect 400
Other: Sadly I had no time last week. But as you see, that will change. >D
Sometimes, when he was with one of them, Van took his time to compare.
There were things that caught his attention, many differences he could not explain himself. There were physical varieties, on the on hand; Their hair, their eyes, their skin. He asked Dist about it, but the General just shrugged off the question, trying to ignore it as good as possible: To him, it was not important, and after a while, Van stopped asking. There was no reason for it, anyway.
He saw them both, at least a few times every week. He had time to compare them, not only their appearance, but every other remarkable thing. The way Luke craved for every tiny bit of sunshine or attention he could receive while Asch preferred to linger in the shadows, reading, training on his own, growing more silent every day. They learned the same style of fighting, both being interested, good disciples of his blade; And that might as well be everything they had in common.
They were Replica and Original, but sometimes, he wondered if the two boys could be any more different.
Nevertheless, there was a moment Van clearly remembered, a moment when both held onto him as if to dear life, a moment they were dependent, helpless, but eager to learn, eager to understand. A moment he had his hands buried in long, reddish locks, a moment those green eyes where shut tightly, where faint pink spread across pale cheeks, sign of embarrassment and joy.
He had kissed them both the same day, had taken both the same day. He made the same promises, received the same reaction, blushing, stammering young men, feeling awkward but too interested, too fascinated to stop now. Their lips tasted of salt and loneliness, of fear and of lust all the same time; they tasted the same. Deep inside, under their different shell, under their different attitude, they were perfect, perfectly the same.
Van had enjoyed that day. Oh, how he had enjoyed it.
Sometimes, when he was with one of them, Van took his time to wish. How wonderful it could be, sharing a bed with both. Comparing them directly, the way the act, the way they kiss and feel and scream and---
No, he thought, shaking his head lightly; no, this is nothing one should think about, one should wish for.
Too much perfection was dangerous, after all.