Title: There isn't anymore
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Original Ion, Van, and Dist basing on the Gaiden Manga.
Rating: R
Prompt: #1+#3
Other: The writing is discordant because I was angry and I need to get this out of my system. Extreme violence and gore.
For Van, Ion was a difficult child to understand.
Yet, Ion’s motive is so clear. Only a few words were only needed to be understood.
The blood of Ion’s replica dribbled on his hand and up to his sleeve of his arm. Just for fun, Ion tore out pieces of tissue, organs, bone, and lastly a heart beating in his hands from the living being that copied his only face.
Van could only watch how Ion was constantly smiling the whole time.
“More.” Ion said.
“There isn’t any more.” Van said, tired, stoic, thirsty, naseuated to watch so much blood spilling bleeding like black ink and watching little Ion cutting every vein and the blood dribbling on his religious dress, an irony, a sarcasm, a cynic act against the pretense of Ion's own lack of purity.
“Tell Dist to make more. I foresaw my end, but that’s only the beginning of the Score’s destruction.”
Van cannot deny the child’s request. He obeyed out of his own free will as much as Ion controls him for pleasure, for pain, and for obedience. The clock is ticking for him. He didn’t want Ion to suffer. He will account for the Fon Master. “More.” He told Dist.
“Tomorrow.” Dist said, uncaring as he wrote his selfish cares in his revenge journal all about the man, his ex-best friend who wronged him.
“Now, Dist. Ion do not have much time left.”
“I do not care.” Dist said. Nevertheless, two more replicas were made the next night and they were failures, which Ion will not allow for such innocent flaws to continue. Dist knew if this continues, innocent children were being wasted, being killed, being buried, being reborn all over again with the same face, green eyes, green hair, and petite body.
Dist truly is a reaper of reapers, but he never saw death. Only the brilliance of his genius that blooms faster and better every year like a rose in June.
There is no room for innocence. The clock is ticking. Ion knew when his clock is ticking off and the irony of that is that it keeps him from truly living his life, much less than guiding the lives of others. The knowledge of knowing when he’ll die, he looked at the world differently. The world and it’s people cracked wide open and he smelled them differently too.
They smelled of the Score.
They smell of trash, trash, and more trash.
Ion is running out of time. Time is the cancer that prevents him from ever being, ever knowing Arietta’s gratitude.
This is the curse of the Fon Master. His thoughts changed Van. His thoughts changed the world. But there was never a change. Like the people close to him, they all dreamed, they dreamed of revenge and to
and that's the last vision the Fon Master saw, the last few seconds before he die, he saw the world before him turned dark and lonely.
It's scary.
It's scary to be lonely.
It's scary to die.