Title: "an old friend you just met"
Fandom: Tales of Symphonia
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Kratos Aurion w/ mentions of Martel, Mithos and Yuan.
Rating: G
Prompt: Inspired by the opening music of prompt #2.
Other: The day will may come when I contribute something to fandom that is not strictly Kratos-related. But it is not this day! This day, we. Introspect. :|b Always spoilers.
He watches the years go by. He watches as the sister who asked him to watch over her brother dies, dies before she was meant to - dies in his time. He watches as the pupil he was teaching warps his image forward into something unrecognisable, and something that will never match his mind. He watches as the man who loved the sister bitters and withdraws, plotting against that which remains of their ideals.
He watches those ideals contort and strain, tortured and misrepresented until no one is left who knows what they once were, not even himself. He watches as the world changes. He watches the last light in his life extinguish.
He watches Lord Yggdrasill rain down Judgement on his determined son, and wonders how it is that he took so long to meet what had become of such an old friend.