Hello everyone! Here's our preliminary challenge for Round 06. At this point we have 18 participants this round. Sign-ups are still open if you still want to participate, so please feel free to join! Current participants, please referance the sidebar for information regarding the round, and please read the end of this post carefully.
You must be a signed up member for Round 06 before submitting. SIGN-UPS ARE STILL OPEN!
Skips are not allowed this challenge! If you don't submit, you will be eliminated.
Your icon must be 40kbs or below, and 100x100 in size. Promotion is not allowed.
Questions must be posted separately from your icon comment.
There will be no eliminations this round, other than failing to submit.
Preliminary Challenge
Welcome to the preliminary challenge of Round 06! Challenges after this will consist of actual "battles" where the new battle system will come into play. This week will feature the format of previous preliminaries.
Part One: Provided Images
The first icon you will be making this week will use one of the three images provided for you. They are from Tales of Vesperia, Tales of the Abyss, and Tales of Legendia, respectivaly. You must choose one image from the following three, and make one icon. Other than the image, you may use any other resources to make your icon.
Part Two: Community Icon
The second icon you will be making is a new community icon for talesof_battle. The only requirement you must follow is that "talesof_battle" or "Tales of Battle" must be on the icon. The winning icon will be our new community icon for Round 06.
You are making a total of two icons this week, no more and no less.
Please submit your icon in this format:
Character: Whoever you are playing as.
Class: *** read below for more information.
URL: http://youriconurl.com.
Part: Which part you're submitting under.
Points System
Each participant starts with 0 experience, 0 grade, and 15 gald. Below are the prizes that will be awarded and added to your current stats.
Top 25%: 200 EXP, 35 grade, 100 gald
Average: 100 EXP, 20 grade, 50 gald
Bottom 25%: 50 EXP, 10 grade, 25 gald
Battle logs are available here.
Ranking is determined by the number of favorite points an icon receives during the voting period. Points will be awarded as such:
1st vote: +3
2nd vote: +2
3rd vote: +1
There will be a total of 2 People's Choice icons and 2 Mod's Choice, for each category. No extra points will be given for these four icons.
You do not have to submit both icons at once. You may also change you submission anytime during the week until voting goes up by editing your comment or posting a new one. Please do not delete any of your comments! I will do that for you once I have confirmed your new submission.
Job Class
All participants must read this post! Please decide which class you'll join and include it in your submission. You may choose a class without submitting the icons, meaning, you can just comment on the post with your class and submit your icons (to this post!) later.
The deadline is for this challenge is Saturday February 14th, 8:00AM EST. Contestants who haven't submitted by then will be eliminated.
Good luck to everyone!