Racism? Or stereotypism!

May 10, 2010 16:46

Steve Ornitz: This gigantic club started up in this sim...
Steve Ornitz: It draws a LOT of people. I'm hoping they go out of business soon. x3
BriarMoss Bunin: whats the name of the club so i dun visit it on accident :p
Steve Ornitz: Xspecies I think... it's like... a latino alien sex club... or something.

BrightEyes Blackheart: Wait... so is it like an illegal alien sex club, or like... xenomorphs with sombreros and big moustaches?
Draven Madzuko: ROFL!
Draven Madzuko: That mental image...
BrightEyes Blackheart: I mean, there's a lot of ways to be a latino alien.
Draven Madzuko: ...Is wrong.
BrightEyes Blackheart: But so right!
Draven Madzuko: No, no...
Draven Madzuko: Just wrong.
Draven Madzuko just watched AVPR for the nine thousandth time... And now has a mental image of the Predalien with a giant Sombrero. >.<
Steve Ornitz: Xenomorphs with mustaches...
Steve Ornitz: ... And maracas.
BrightEyes Blackheart: And the breathy noises coming out as mariachi music. With one of those little gold dashboard-crowns on the queen's egg-sac.
BriarMoss Bunin: i have never seen a dashboard crown in a store
BriarMoss Bunin: and i live in NY
Draven Madzuko: Yer killin' me. x3
BrightEyes Blackheart: Briar, there are latino supply underground stores. Sell chihuahuas, big hats and ponchos in bulk, along with fat cigars, gold toothcaps, and beat to shit cars.
BriarMoss Bunin: wish i could find one
BriarMoss Bunin: buy 200 chihuahuas and just let them loose
Draven Madzuko: xD
BrightEyes Blackheart: Hee. And instead of just screaming when they pounce you, latino xenomorphs scream 'la cucaracha'.
BrightEyes Blackheart: Then eat your face.

I'm now going through XStreet to find a xenomorph avatar, a giant sombrero and a moustache so I can make a new SL account for Pedro the Latino Xeno.
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