First of all, your two votes:
♔ ♔ Basics
Name/Alias: Wing \o/
Age: 17~ Not a kid, but not yet an adult ;w;
Do you want to be stamped as a gender in particular?: Just go with whatever you think is best! Don't let gender become a barrier for your thoughts o/
Are you re-applying? If so, tell us the character you were stamped as: N/A~
In depth
Likes: I like a lot of things LMAO, I often end up listing tons of stuff in this section: so here goes~ Well, I like the colour blue because it's so beautiful and calm, I love violins and instruments in general because I am amazed at how such simple things can make such complex music ahdkajd ♥ I also like being calm and going at my own general pace, it's a nice relaxing feeling to just kick back and enjoy the world~♪ Hmm, I also like scarfs and teddies... And I could go on, but I'd probably bore you with such long lists xD;
Dislikes: asdlkadj ugh, usually scary things and icky stuff... BUGS, I HATE BUGS ASLKDJASD. I also hate being rushed and having pressure on me, time limits and things like that. Hmm, generally, I don't hate stuff. I either like it or I have no opinion... Other than the forementioned, I'm pretty apathetic... *flops arm*
Fears: ...Scary things... like... ghosts... and... zombies... and you get the picture... ajdlkajd ;w; Also, insects adhlkasjdasdasjdklajsdkljaskldjkalsdj And, well, the usual fears about harm to friends and family - I get... frantic xD; I'm a generally worried person orz...
Goals/Dreams: DO WELL IN COLLEGE /O/ I'm usually focused on short term dreams, ahah orz... I don't really concentrate on long term things, because well, you never know what happens, right? I do have a general overview i.e. DO WELL, GET A GOOD JOB, maybe SAVE THE WORLD but LMAO, I like taking things one step at a time. Can't get in over my head if I can't handle it xD;;;
Describe your personality: Um... I don't really know... I'm still learning about everything, sometimes I do things that surprises even me... But well, I suppose I'm generally a calm person. I have set goals and very rigid principles, so only if you go against them do I get very angry - but even then, I rarely get angry. But still, when I do get angry, I am rather stubborn so the anger does stay for a while xD; However, I like to believe I'm a rather rational person so I'll reason with myself and stuff. Urm, what else... I suppose I'm very introverted, it takes quite a while for me to open up... It's a fault of mine that will probably take a lot of time to break out of, but hopefully I can learn to become less guarded. Otherwise though, to people I am close with, I am rather chatty because I'm in my comfort zone~ I'm still mostly quiet though, which is kinda a comfort of mine xD; I like being calm and out of the way, I suppose is a way to describe it, because it allows me to do things at my own pace. Or maybe that's just a long winded way to say I'm very lazy xD;; DERP This section is so long orz orz...
List 3 good things about you: Er... ... I suppose, rational is. I pride myself in knowing what is right and wrong, and my knowledge I guess. I like to be calm and reasonable. And urm, I suppose... empathetic? I suppose that is a bad thing though too xD;; When people tell me sad stories, even of people I don't really know, I still feel that pang in your heart you get when you're upset. I suppose that also links with my reasonable side as I try and look at both sides of an argument, and put myself in both of their shoes~ And the last thing... erp... I'm kind? Emotional? IDK...
List 3 bad things about you: DERP. I can list tons. Well, I worry a lot for one thing - anything can make me fret, like a friend missing the bus makes me worry about their wellbeing xD;;; I'm also very critical of myself... More myself than others because I tend to be very strict with what I can and cannot do etc, so sometimes I end up with very low self confidence. Hmm, also as I said before, I'm quiet... almost to the point I'm guarded. It takes a while for me to break out of my shell with someone, and I know that it can make things awkward...
List 3 funny things about you? er... I don't know... I suppose, I like experimenting with my food? I add lots of different ingredients into whatever I'm eating - USUALLY IT'S PRETTY GOOD LMAOROFL OTL. Or maybe I have odd tastebuds xD; Urm~ *struggling* LMAO even though it may be hard to believe because most of my entry right now is very calm and... calmlike, I have a very big child in me c: I love love teddies and just being goofy and idk playing with snow. HMM. I really don't notice my quirks xD; So derp, moving on xD;
What do you really admire or respect in a person?: FFF CONFIDENCE. KINDNESS. PASSION. JUST SO MANY THINGS xD; I absolutely adore seeing people fired up and standing up for themselves or for a cause. Admittingly, I admire a lot of people, I generally like the fervour that some people have for life, the ability of so many to be able to gather up support for one single cause. I admire people who are able to just go out there and do something for people. You can really see the strength and kindness that people always possess within themselves. Times like now... You can just see people coming together all the time and they're able to just overcome so many differences within themselves and... just work together. ♥ ;w;
What do you hate or feel contempt for in a person?: Hmm, well, I despise selfishness. I just don't understand how there are some people who do not stop their foolish acts to think for one minute of their victim's feelings. Is some cheap thrill much more important than how disturbed and scarred another person will be for the rest of their lives? It's crimes like these that absolutely rile me. I hate seeing contempt for a fellow human being. We all live on the same planet after all, I don't understand how people just forget that yes, your neighbour is capable of feeling the exact same emotions as you. /end rant.
How do you think others see you?: Urm... I don't know. At first, I'm probably very upright and cold xD;;; I've been described as very focused and conscientious by my teachers though ;w;... and urm, people seem to like my kindness xD;;;;;? idk but a teacher once called me sweet ;w; ajsdlkajsd
Please try to explain
Mature or Immature?: Hmm, I like to believe I'm a mature person. I prefer rational thought to anything else, and I suppose I sometimes try to hard to act older than I am xD;; Because there are times when I just goof off and become lazy. The immature person in me also giggles at any innuendo I find, but derp, I'm generally a mature person. My immaturity just lurks so it's hardly visible c:
Leader or Follower?: I... try to lead... I honestly want to be able to be accountable, because I will own up to any mistakes I can and will make... but I usually end up faltering because of low confidence and all, and slither back into becoming a follower.
Outgoing or Shy?: Shy, so very shy. I don't like it. But I suppose it's a part of my nature.
Confident or Modest?: I'm... modest to a fault. I used to always play down my accompliments, to the point I'm kind of throwing them away... so I'm trying to pick up my confidence... but uh, I suppose I will remain modest. I... find it awkward to boast usually xD;
Optimistic, Pessimistic, and/or Realist?: I... think of myself as a realist, and I often slip into looking at the good side of things... But urm, my friends seem to think I'm a pessimist. I suppose I do act all cynical sometimes xD;;;
Energetic or calm?: Calm LMAO. If you've read this entry in a hyper kind of way... I don't really know how you did it xD;;; I'm generally calm right now, I'm sure I've done apps before BURSTING WITH ENERGY /o/~
Listener or Speaker?: Listener a lot of the time. Again, I feel awkward complaining when people often have their own problems. I actually enjoy just listening to people, and even though I am terrible at advice - just knowing that them pouring their heart out to me has made them feel better makes me happy. I shall be the metaphorical emotional punching bag... (I'm sure I can get a better term for this ಠ_ಠ)
Impulsive or Cautious?: ...Cautious to a fault again D: derp, I am in a constant state of worry. I often do weigh up my consequences and stuff, and if ever I am impulsive... it's probably a weird day.
Playful or Serious?: Serious a lot of the time. I don't really tend to be playful unless I'm around close friends.
Tales related
Games you played: Symphonia and Vesperia adlakjd ♥! Symphonia 2 is stuck in my Wii right now, but I'm not very far in that because of college ;w;... AND DAMMIT, ABYSS ISN'T OUT IN THE UK. And urm, I can't shop online, so I rarely see Tales of games floating about ;A;
Who is your favorite tales mascot: URM. What are the mascots xD; I'm tempted to say Repede, because he was a BADASS dog... but he's more of a character. But... I'm going blank here... I'm thinking of the Tenebrae plushie... and... he won't come out of my head ;w; SO TENEBIE IT IS \O/ How can you not love his sarcastic comments xD
What is your favourite gummi and why?: ...Gummi? ...I'm not sure what you mean, but urm, if you mean gels... MIRACLE GELS \O/ They're such a lovely colour and they heal 60% of everything, how can you not love them~♥... I hope I'm talking about the right one xD;;
What is your favourite accessory and why?: Urm, urm... I don't take notes of these things....
What is your favorite hi ougi and why?: LMAO... Urm, nothing is coming to mind... But urm, I like the flashy effects... derp... *TRAILS OFF*
What is your favorite element?: LIGHT. Because... I really don't know, I usually like light. Actually honestly, I like most elements xD; But urm, I suppose I'll just pick the one that I first thought of. I also like ice too. And wind. derp I'll stop thinking.
What is your favorite summon spirit/sacred beast?: H-Hmm... I... guess I'll pick Maxwell attack wise... because spam spam meteor spam, you're dead, is always good ;w; And urm, generally I suppose Undine... though Celsius was cool...
What is your favourite race in the Tales world?: Urm~ I'm so bad at these choice questions ;A;... Urm, I'm currently thinking of Half Elfs right now. I just really appreciate their story and the stuff they've all been through ;w;...
What is your favourite quote from a Tales game?: Goddamn LMAO, I don't remember these things... Probably anything out of Zelos' mouth LMAOROFL.
What is your favourite vehicle? (sentient beings like Noishe, Ba'ul and Shaorune count): BA'UL! He's a vehicle, if that's the word to describe him, that's fast, friendly and with story \o/ The friendship with Judith too also warms my heart ;w;
Which NPC gives you murder urges? Come on, don't be shy. We won't tell them. I... don't tend to have murder urges... I... can't think of anyone... Idiots I suppose...
Who is your favourite political figure of the series?: U~rm... I... don't... know... Let me think... Um... I'm so bad at these questions xD;;;
Would you rather be a prince, noble or commoner?: Noble I guess. I think I'll flail if ever I had the responsibility of a prince... and derp derp... I'm sorry to say but I can't really influence things if I'm a commoner... Being a noble would be good, hoho, I can go work my magic and do good in the world *SPARKLE*
Make up your Tales battle team! Chose three other characters who will complete you nicely: RAINE. RITA. SHEENA. Okay, Raine will obviously be my main healer, because I am definitely going to need some healing (I have this fixtation of not allowing myself to use items OTL OTL OTL...), and if needs be, she can throw in her light magic to help. Rita shall be the main offensive magic user and just rack up the damage. Andddd~ I wanted a good balanced melee fighter to round things off, so I chose Sheena because... I can never get bored watching cards hurt monsters xD;;;;;;
If you had to get hooked right here, right now, who from the series would you chose?: Hooked? ...*rereads*... Dating? Married? IDK MY SLANG IS BAD. But uh... if you do mean dating... Jade would be interesting... but I would be way too soft and easily offended after a while xD;;; So uh, EMIL~! OMFG, Emil xDD He'd be such a darling to be with ;w; *hugs him tightly*
Your favorite spell: Definitely any healing spell LMAOROFL OTL... But I suppose, disregarding those, Rita's Violent Pain. I... don't know how many times I've spammed that move xD;;;
Your favorite physical attack: Ur ur... I suppose anything that either Yuri or Lloyd chucks out, I often like swift attacks. Watch them fly~
Weapon of choice: SCROLL! Rita was awesome, watching her swish it about so easily was so cool to watch ;w;...
Melee or magic?: I actually really like melee... If magic didn't have casting times though, I would automatically spam as many spells as I could get away with. Otherwise, I just usually like going in and attacking because it's generally quicker xD;
Short-range or Long-range?: Long range because it's harder to get damaged. And thinking of Raven's style, it's rather fun xD
Pictures of yourself? (optional): I don't actually have many photos of myself xD;
How did you get here? I saw the spam xD! I was actually hoping for a Tales rating comm just today LMAO, what are the chances. I don't recall having a Tales of stamp, but I wanted one ;w;
Anything else you'd like to say?: OMFG. If you've read all that without getting bored, I commend you ;w; *hugs* I'm sorry for all this xD;;;