Jan 08, 2010 12:36

Claim your prompts here.

You may claim five prompts total. If you finish a prompt before February 14, feel free to come back and claim more on a rolling basis.

Go here. Choose a sub-prompt from at least two different categories. The combination of those sub-prompts will be your prompt.

Each unique combination of prompts may be claimed twice--once for fic and once for art.. You cannot claim something that is identical to an already claimed prompt, or identical with one or more elements added or removed. For example, if someone claims "Guy/Mohs" and "gay bar," you can't get out of the unique combination requirement by claiming "Guy/Mohs," "gay bar," and "whipped cream".

ladydestinia: (fic)
Symphonia: Genis + Sheena, cookie dough
Vesperia: Rita + Yuri, inside a whale

Vesperia: Rita + Yuri, a storybook, a dream (fic)
Abyss: Luke/Tear, wedding dress (art)

Symphonia: the Wonder Chef, a badly cooked meal (fic)

seta_suzume: (art)
Legendia: Chloe +/ Norma, Norma's closet (Legendia)
Eternia: Keele +/ Meredy, a naughty bit of literature
Legendia: Fenimore +/ Shirley, lace
Rebirth: Eugene + Mao, fireworks, a crowded marketplace
Abyss: Natalia +/ Tear, a mirror, a palace

jadax: (fic)
Legendia: Chloe +/ Norma, a nose & moustache disguise

luzerna: (art)
Abyss: Dist + incriminating photographs + prison
Symphonia: Lloyd/Colette + a rose + home

sam_sam_samedi: (fic)
Abyss: Guy/Natalia, old books, a cliff overlooking the ocean

mellowcandle: (fic)
Abyss: Asch/Natalia + Dark Wings, love letters, a palace

glorious: (fic)
Abyss: Legretta/Van + a blade + the ballroom

Choose one of the sixteen quotes below.

1. "What brought me here? What am I thinking of?" ( Uncertainty, Adam Mickiewicz) claimed by earthstar_chan
2. "I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair." ( XI., Pablo Neruda) claimed by glorious
3. "Compared to this / All honor's mimic; All wealth alchemy." - THE SUNNE RISING
4. "your slightest look easily will unclose me" (somewhere i have never traveled, gladly beyond, e.e. cummings)
5. "If you rub two glances, you get a smile." (The Archipelago of Kisses, Jeffrey McDaniel)
6. "and her perfect back sleeping / in the morning dark." (Valley of the Spirits, Jack Gilbert)
7. "Let the more loving one be me." - (The More Loving One, W.H. Auden)
8. "I would liken you to a night without stars were it not for your eyes." ( Quiet Girl, Langston Hughes) claimed by sam_sam_samedi
9. "I have practiced being the one to whom you return." ( Amor Vincit Omnia, John Burnside)
10. "Yet many a man is making friends with death / Even as I speak, for lack of love alone." (Love Is Not All, Edna St. Vincent Millay)
11. "It's time to train yourself to sleep alone again and it's so fucking hard." (It's Time to Train Yourself, Richard Brautigan) claimed by ladydestinia
12. "I did but see her passing by, and yet I love her till I die." ( There Is a Lady Sweet and Kind, anon)
13. "Rob me, but bind me not, and let me go." - THE INDIFFERENT
14. "to love it even when you have no stomach for it" ( The Thing Is, Ellen Bass)
15. "Or shall I cross that out and say it is sad?" (Words, Wide Night, Carol Ann Duffy)
16. "Everyone forgets that Icarus also flew." (Failing and Flying, Jack Gilbert)

Happy ficcing!

prompt claiming, admin

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