June '11
1 4 :
STARTER PACK: twentyone03, symmetry18, kaleidostar12, eyepatch14, vector11, energetic19, sergeant17 and sergeant 20
BONUS: Anima01 and r-trap15
1 6 :
TRADE: symmetry18 →
bringthefate's bangle08
GAME: Guess the color 52 > wingZero16, gergo06
1 7 :
RECYCLED ART: Sergeant05/08/15, Earth04 and Falena12
TRADE: Earth04, Falena12 →
nugeyo's choker16, bangle12
1 8 :
July Releases: Microbes19, repeat01, break19, ramble17, 3 Moles3, steiner04, Folklore14, sparrow09 and Norway15
TRADE: repeat01 →
unasuvas's betreida07
TRADE: break19 →
antagonists's tonfar02
TRADE: ramble17 →
wolfie_'s prodigy01
TRADE: 3 moles03 →
zweilous's bangle16
TRADE: streiner04 →
tategamiwolf's pervert01
TRADE: folklore14 →
celestite's perception07
TRADE: sparrow09 →
moon_wolfwriter's choker20
TRADE: norway15 →
tsuruhime's microbes04
TRADE: tonfar02 →
nugeyo's miscrobes15
TRADE: gergo06 →
spinningstyle's bangle15
GAME: Conan > dollie16, basketball05
1 9 :
GAME: Isaac & Miria > jellyfish11, prince09 and tall18
TRADE: vector11 →
antagonists's choker06
2 0 :
TRADE: R-trap15 →
tategamiwolf's microbes13
TRADE: wingzero16 →
disutansu's hamha08
Deck Donation: moon19, cake14, powder09 + orange crayon
TRADE: betreida07 →
nazonano's snake14
2 1 :
TRADE: perception07 →
piraskel's sergeant12
TRADE: kaleidostar12 →
kearin's choker14
TRADE: energetic19 →
nugeyo's shirogamon17
2 2 :
GAME: Guess the seiyuu 48: Glomp09, Germany13, Disgusting09
2 3 :
GAME: Beauty Pageant 30: Hikari20, Mute12, Blackbird17, Valkyria18, After7, Blue Crayon
2 4 :
TRADE: Glomp09, Eyepatch14, Moon19, Cake14, Hikari20, Valkyria18 →
nugeyo's bangle02/04/09/13/17, choker11
GAME: Coloring book 16: dollie19 > halberd 18, viera06
TRADE: Germany →
yuidirnt's Psychic15
TRADE: Psychic15 →
nugeyo's adriadoney18
2 5 :
RA: Bangle10, hotheaded04, sergeant09, sohcahtoa16, toran11
GAME: Crossword 27: pegasus02, violent07, body12, veda05, appearance18
GAME: Pokeradar 50: origami17, king kazma14
TRADE: Toran11 →
nugeyo's sergeant01
GAME: Art Lesson 59: Reiki01, kind06
2 6 :
TRADE: Disgusting09 →
ouji_tan's Hamha09
2 7 :
TRADE: Hotheaded04 →
nerrin's Sergeant07
2 9 :
GAME: Host club giveaway 28: tiny17, asobot01
GAME: Shadow Watching 28: HRE09, Lumberjack16
TRADE: pegasus02 →
umi_mizuno's sergeant11
TRADE: sohcahtoa16 →
victorisham's hamha04
TRADE: kingkazma14 →
takasu's deliver07
TRADE: deliver07 →
nerrin's question04
3 0 :
GAME: Guess the color 53: lionheart08, council20
GAME: Coloring book 17: after 07 → drugs15, kita18
GAME: Crossword 30: 3moles16, miko10, sirix15
GAME: Spareparts 46: fashion09, tristan04
DONATE: August deck, Kite: biancaneve05, fashion04, chartreux17, red crayon
TRADE: tristan04, ceda05, viera06 →
nugeyo's iceblue15, sergeant05/10
SUBMISSION: ART: puppeteer20, musket13, catholic03, aimo12, brown crayon
3 1 :
TRADE: body12 →
bringthefate's sergeant02
TRADE: asobot01 →
lucathia_rykatu's deliver11
1 :
RA: hotheaded15, kodama04, sergeant16/19, hamha18
GAME: Guess the color 54: sincereity08, chupa06
2 :
GAME: Art Lesson 60: reflection12, sensible19, halberd06
GAME:Ryouga's direction27: tall16, lionheart09, B-rabbit06
GAME: Coloring book 17: lumberjack16 > snail07, shocking02
TRADE: Musket16 →
nonchatte's sergeant06
TRADE: halberd06/18, shocking02 →
nugeyo's hyakki yakou04, peacock10, valkyria18
3 :
GAME: Isaac & Miria: twentyone19, beatjumper06, kendo01
GAME: Pokeradar: hachiko17, zanber16
GAME: Conan: technician15, ero-cook04
TRADE: technician15 →
nonchatte's graceful 02
TRADE: hotheaded15, 3 moles16 →
nerrin's enigmatic07, malice20
4 :
GAME: Color bucket 2.1: sensible19 > hamha14, osaka04
Art Shop: 2 sketchpads: rock06, chivalry05, doctor15, spirit12, 1 red & brown crayon. Traded a red crayon for Vino12.
TRADE: graceful02 →
raylight159's stardust05
TRADE: jellyfish11 →
yamanaika's graceful11
5 :
GAME: Conan: keyblade19, slacker01
TRADE: chivalry05 →
nazonano's traveler19
GAME: Crazy colors 41: prince09 to rhythm17, rebirth09
TRADE: deliver11 →
nerrin's naive01
GAME: Shadow watching 49: lie13, president14
TRADE: vino12 →
stopping's microbes02
GAME: Guess the color: perm14, squats04
RELEASE + referral: August: data drain01, God Knows17,Punishment16, Touch This12, Tsukihime11, Plunder03, Meteor08, Ouroboros11m Faint Attack14 + Karaya02, hornet07
TRADE: stardust05 →
tategamiwolf's data drain05
TRADE: Rhythm17, touch this12, punishment16 →
nugeyo's estonia17, choker 18, data drain02
ART STUDIO: blackbird17, reiki01, tiny17 for poland04
RA: World07/08/14/15/17
6 :
TRADE: violent07 →
porvoras's data drain06
TRADE: faint attack14 →
bringthefate data drain04
TRADE: world07/08/14/15/17, comrades17 →
nugeyo's bear12, graceful16/17, choker10, servant06, adept rouge10
TRADE: Poland04 →
xxdeidara's Hamha20
TRADE: osaka04 →
farsketched's comrades17
TRADE: Plunder03 →
nazonano's data drain 03
TRADE: catholic03 →
taminas's choker19
TRADE: anima01 →
sesshy_is_sexii's data drain 18
TRADE: adriadoney18, iceblue15, naive01 →
enfacade's graceful20, hamha10/12
7 :
GAME: Spareparts: kanve06, cigarettes16
GAME: Beauty Pageant: seth13, big11, kenpo08, contests16
8 :
TRADE: kendo01, kind06 →
baredick's graceful01, mini09
GAME: Pokeradar: dynames11, march hare13
GAME: Crossword: awaken02, thorn queen04, meganekko08, adam19
TRADE: snake14 →
lurora's samekh01
TRADE: doctor05, hachiko17, slacker01, tall16/18 →
nugeyo's adept rogue04/07/11/17, bangle19
9 :
GAME: Bucket: twenty one19 → recessive20, hahi15
GAME: Crazy colors: biancaneve05 → quadra17, honoo15
GAME: Rukia: full moon03, flame20
GAME: Costume: DNA18, castle11, emperor16
TRADE: fashion04 →
cataclysts's arcana12
TRADE: arcana12 <→ lj user="umi_mizuno">'s microbes08
TRADE: tsukihime11 →
nazonano's microbes14
1 0 :
TRADE: twentyone03 →
spinningstyle's choker03
ART: renegade11, control19, technician19, cake05, 1 yellow crayon
TRADE: rock06, shirogamon17 →
chuukoku's hatter13/18
TRADE: hatter13/18 →
eiliain's blizzard01, fire01
1 1 :
TRADE: graceful01/11/16/17/20, ero-cook04 →
raylight159's data drain07, god knows13, sea eagle16, strip08, shadow18, kendo04
TRADE: technician19 →
nonchatte's adept rogue20
ART SHOP: 2 sketchpad + 1 red crayon → justice16, engaged07, serena06, persocom20, green and red crayons + hyper01
TRADE: beat jumper06 →
kikinioth's otomen17
TRADE: hyper01, mini09 →
nazonano's sergeant04/18
1 2 :
TRADE: kendo04 →
baredick's folklore12
TRADE: sincerity →
megchan87's deliver19
GAME: Conan: ukraine16, torture19
GAME: Shadow watching: burn10, onmyouji10
TRADE: justice16, gynames11 →
sekihan's microbes05
TRADE: nee shitteru09 →
yamanaika's fire truck17
1 3:
TRADE: cake05 →
kira_diasparkle's samekh19
TRADE: folklore12 →
eiliain's god knows06
1 4:
GAME: crossword: bodyguard05, strict01, xiu05
GAME: ryoga's: alien11, violin07, shen long08
1 5 :
GAME: pick a color: R-traps05, blank03
Pot of Gold: red crayon
1 6 :
GAME: costumes: fireball18, big sister20, digimon14
TRADE: mute12 →
ratiosu's graceful14
GAME: Music: forbidden09, wish07, scorpio05
RA: Blue moon 10/11/12/13/14
TRADE: evolver05 →
futachimaru's god knows07
TRADE: blue moon 10/11/12/13/14, awaken02, shen long08 →
nugeyo's adept rogue08/14, iceland08, jewel03, switzerland16, unwritten11, microbes07
GAME: Rukia: plunder07, first aid09
GAME: crazy colors: powder09 > masou06, rafale14
GAME: coloring book: puppeteer20 > janina09, sailor fuku05
TRADE: appearance18, council20 →
vriska's deliver10, fire truck04
TRADE: bodyguard05, aimo12 →
ouji_tan's graceful05/12
1 7 :
TRADE: snail07, scorpio05 →
yamanaika's blizzard03/14
GAME: Spareparts: akagami19, asobot02
TRADE: fireball18 →
nugeyo's kodama17
TRADE: ouroboros14 →
antagonists's choker13
1 8 :
TRADE: miko10 →
doublenyanbow's gentle12
TRADE: drugs15 →
unasuvas' shark07
GIFT: : meteor18, dog19, dresses05, friendship12, glass07, misenterpret07/17, naive04, oni20, symmetry15
GAME: guess the color: fox03, detective02
1 9 :
TRADE: fox03 →
takasu's gentle01
ART SHOP: 2 sketchpads + 2 brown crayons: disgusting14, inkeeper02, cute girls14, cowbell19, 2 blue crayons + punishment04/05
TRADE: punishment04/05 →
nugeyo's sergeant13/14
TRADE: fire truck04/17, jewel03, plunder07, masou06, shark07 →
nazonano's gentle14/15/19, choker04/09/17
2 0 :
GAME: shikamaru: pyro queen07, lolishota19, flame19
GAME: spot the difference: klarer wind15, paopu fruit12, chartreux02, loli shota01, revolver08
GAME: Conan: black lynx04, bolverk06
GAME:Seiyuu guess: vino12
TRADE: fullmoon03, wish07, chartreux02 →
bahamas' graceful06/10/19
2 1 :
RA: adept rogue02/03/18, asobot13/20
TRADE: Castle11 →
nazonano's obliged14
2 2 :
GAME: Beauty Pageant: smoker20, touch this16, intelligent09, rhythm16, grey crayon.
TRADE: R-traps05 for
multitasks's hamha19
GAME: Rukia: mayonnaise16, priest13
TRADE: paopu fruit12, keyblade19 for →
stopping's novelist10, shark14
TRADE: novelist10, forbidden09 for →
nugeyo's microbes01, gentle04
2 3 :
Donate: Asobot initiative: asobot 13/20
TRADE: disgusting14, intelligent09, lolishota01/19, lack lynx04 →
ouji_tan's malice11/16, misinterpret01, traveler03, kodama19
GAME: crazy colors: asobot02 > ordinary06, isshu17
GAME: Music station: bite04, amiable10
GAME: Costume party: armor19, dullahan20, cybele12
2 4;
TRADE: hahi15 →
kira_diasparkle's god knows 11
2 5:
GAME: Crossword: suit10, hero18, owner13, aqua pearl02, microbes18
GAME: Spareparts: vines06, pisces13
GAME: Giveaway: wingzero02, rabbit19
TRADE: knave06 →
blue_fox_girl's data drain10
TRADE: fire01 →
poutfully's denmark03
TRADE: wing zero03 →
galearc's line02
TRADE:line02, quadra17, ukraine19 →
nugeyo's advisor01, drums03, god knows08
TRADE: shark14, cybele12 →
nazonano's gentle09, traveler08
TRADE: oni20 →
lazuliprince's hamha17
2 6 :
VOTING: sake17, mom03
GAME: Shadow Watching: verbose19, focused17
GAME: Reading lines: Fairy11, cheat10, fox06
TRADE: perm14, mayonnaise16 →
raylight159's cheer07/15
ASOBOT: cheer07/15
TRADE: denmark03
aniki's flash12
2 7 :
GAME: Conan: y-ko10, trumpet04
TRADE: hero18 →
miss_novacaine's shark13
TRADE: armor19 →
ulquiorrasch's god knows15
TRADE: dna18 →
kikinioth's bored06
TRADE: fox06, dullahan20, flash12 →
megchan87's malice01, sealand02, iceland02
GRAPHICS: Maxed out: gadgets20, cybele19, y-ko16, slave11, regulus01, laevatein09, worry01, aikido20, paprika02, neshitteru17, norway18, professor08, schwazer18, fierce13, orange crayon
TRADE: focused17 →
nugeyo's india14
SCRAPBOOK 22: crow anima16, first19, eroge16
TRADE: shark13, cybele19 →
nazonano's data drain14, slave07
2 8 :
GAME: Guess the color: stitches06, capturer13
TRADE: prodigy01 →
tsubon's sweden11
TRADE: lionheart08/09 →
spinningstyle's godknows01, adeptrogue19
TRADE: bored06 →
nugeyo's misinterpret05
TRADE: aqua pearl02, capturer13 →
umi_mizuno's perception18, jo ajna17
TRADE: sweden11 →
yamanaika's traveler18
2 9 :
ART SHOP: 2 sketchpads: theatrical19, millenium03, geek06, gae bolg18, brown/blue crayons
3 0 :
GAME: Spareparts: strategy19, mani katti18
GAME: Costume Party: flask08, skeleton15, composer17
GAME: Pick a color: hyper01, dancer09
RA: traveler05/07/11/13, rise19
TRADE:'s slave02
3 1 :
GAME: Rukia's: vigilante10, god17.
GAME: Ryoga's: dollie01, korobokkuru01, bored11
TRADE: iceland02, sealand02 →
animepam's choker04, destiny19
GAME: Pokeradar: enjoy06, railgun09, yellow crayon
0 1 :
DONATE: Asad/chrodechiled decks: fragile15, little devil06, mws08, blue crayon, waitress10, tease11, reflection05, orange crayon
GAME: Shadow watching: golem20, superior16
0 2 :
Music station: glass02, illusions13, second15
TRADE: flask08, strip08 →
megchan87's malice14/18
TRADE: vigilante10 →
nonchatte's verbose09
TRADE: Pisces13 →
celestite's adept rogue06
TRADE strategy19 →
wolfie_'s gentle02
3 :
GAME: Guess the color: lemonade10, christmas07
TRADE: stitches06 →
jessiss' slave15
TRADE: inkeeper02 →
futachimaru's adept rogue15
GAME: cowbell19 → pudding18RA: Adept Rogue13/16, graceful04/09, idol11/16
TRADE: graceful12/14/19 →
raylight159's traveler10, malice06/15
TRADE: friendship12, regulus01, sailor fuku05 →
love_michiyuki's hanafuda10, solar20, fang11
4 :
GAMES: Conan: knives01, lumberjack17
TRADE: detective02 →
galearc's windom04
GAMES: Music Station: enjoyy08, blame10, R-traps13
GAMES: Seiyuu guess: crow07, powder08, motorcycle19
GAMES: sake05, nakochi19, PTRD-41, antique13, purple crayon
TRADES: perception18, idol11/16 →
nazonano's black cat19, black fox18, rayearth02
5 :
TRADE: fairy11, nakochi19 →
hushlust's kodama08, traveler12
ART SHOP: 2 red/blue crayons: god15/20, sweden03/06
TRADE: Kodama04/08/17/19, dog19, unwritten11, god15/20, flame19/20, destiny19 →
nugeyo's adept rogue12, data drain19, god knows05, latvia10/19, slave10, ukraine15/16, lithuania10/13, poland11
GAMES: pokeradar: siva04, protective17
6 :
TRADE: sweden03/06 →
futachimaru's ukraine01, traveler06
TRADE: chupa06 →
conversated's kodama05
TRADE: enjoy06/08, illusions13 →
mirufiore's latvia20, belarus11, petulant12
TRADE: hanafuda10, samekh01 →
ratiosu's latvia05, russia07
GAME: crazy colors: strict01 → valentines02, adolescent13
GAME: crossword: aptx 4869 15, hypnosis15, dog05, 4-D pocket,brave06
GAME: Art Lesson: explosives20, goggles15
TRADE motorcycle19, serena06, touch this16 →
lucathia_rycatu's assassin09, balance01/18
RELEASE:cruel16, vest16, unchanging06, banana12, mellow03, feel12, akabari19, tune17, grief seed01, shades12 + birthday: second02, mushi03, brave04 + orange crayon
TRADE: unchanging06 →
unasuvas' cruel02
TRADE: tune17, grief seed01, rise19 →
perarduaadast's belarus01/16, cruel06
TRADE: loveless16, composer17 →
darkraven616's god knows09, belarus03
7 :
TRADE: banana12, feel12 →
nazonano's cruel05, vest20
LEVEL UP: Red > Green: megaten10, norway03, hello17, eroge12, geweher08, ukraine17, data drain11/12/13, 2 red crayons, 1 blue crayon
TRADE: big11, india14, jo ajna16, squat04 →
bringthefate's dullahan18, misinterpret09, refreshing02, tabris01
TRADE: assassin09, balance01/18 →
chuukoku's dog18, professor15, magical15
TRADE: magical15 →
wolfie_'s hiwa02
ART SHOP: 2 sketchpads, 5 orange crayons:channel14, trance20, intuition13, uranus18, red/yellow crayons + data drain08/09/16/17/20, adept rogue05
GAME: bucket: professor08 → lead10, lemonade08
RA: belarus04, captain12/13/18/20, forbidden15
TRADE: captain12/13/18/20, dog05/18, forbidden15, hiwa02 →
nugeyo's april01, belarus08, cruel03, gentle17, lithuania15, slave01/04/14
8 :
Pot of gold: reflection12, hyakki yakou04, peacock10, vakyria18, advisor01, neptune02, drums03, bite04, dresses05, b-rabbit06, glass07, kenpo08 > hydrangea18, fullmoon09, timberowl01, sockpuppet19, gynoid11, honest12, empathy01, sleeping02, china18, wait11, stardust05, shades14, positive11, costumes17, maxter19, tanabata03, shard12, malice02, janken15, sailor fuku14, supportive09, loleus14, bite20, hown01, shinen11, leopard18 + grey crayon
TRADE: naive04 →
multitasks' meramera20
TRADE: schwarzer18, hydrangea18, supportive09 →
nonchatte's latvia16, paopufruit10, dog06
TRADE: black cat19 →
wolfie's Breaker14
TRADE: persocom20 → 's ukraine10
GIFT: drums05, forbidden14, latvia02, poland09, scythe09, tuna14
9 :
TRADE: bikinis07 →
wolfie's traveler09
TRADE: powder09 →
bahamas' adept rogue09
1 0 :
TRADE: brave04/06, cruel02/03/05/06/16 →
raylight159's adept rogue01, data drain15, malice04, slave09, shattered14, messiah05, blue rose10
GAMES: Silhouettes: chief15, master13
GAMES: Reading between the lines: waitress05, hypnosis06, strategy09
TRADE: tanabata03 →
piraskel's slave08, traveler16
MASTERIES: Data drain, Adept rogue: chat02, crazy12, traveler04, orange crayon, neccesarius20, gentle18, traveler14, yellow crayon
GAME: Guess the color: satisfaction10, backlace19
GAME: Directions: circus02, skeleton13, spitfire02, karate05
1 1 :
GAME: Host: monster13, offense15
GAME: Spareparts: viola07
GAME: zwei15, quack20, operator15, familiar12, witch01
1 2 :
TRADE: iceland08 →
animepam's traveler20
TRADE: mellow03 →
spiffytuna's cruel04
1 3 :
GAME: Pokeradar: windmill12, cynical11
GAME: Pick a color: focused04, hello03, amahara17, chief13, full moon02
1 4 :
GAME Crazy colors: names15, parasite10
GAME Music Station: april09, regal01, martillo15
TRADE: cynical11, gewehr08 →
00zags' akabari05, formula07
TRADE: trance20, timberowl01 →
makoto666's hypnosis05, ukraine14
TRADE: burn10, channel14, dollie01, eroge12/16 →
kidalana's aquarium09/14, bangle06, exposives13, perm08
1 5 :
GAME: tease19, cabbage18, bunny19
RA: big sister04/08, little devil07/13/19/20, slave13, traveler17
ASOBOT: big sister04/08
1 7 :
TRADE: mushi03, rabbit19, quack20 → 's dog17, slave16/17
TRADE: adolescent13 →
hushlust's graceful13
GAMES: Spareparts: androphobic17, cure pine07
GAMES: Switch it up: offense15 → citro01
GAMES: Yui's music station: sweets02, devoted05, melchsee05
TRADE: dog06/17, formula07, martillo15, citro01, sig_elphie →
nugeyo's airyglyph01, bangle07, godknows03, lithuania07/09, sig_nuge
1 8 :
TRADE: messiah05, petulant12, sailor fuku14 →
nazonano's slave06, engagement09, virgo17
1 9 :
TRADE: china18, explosives20, refreshing02 →
conersated's latvia03/06, hypnosis09
TRADE: cure pine07, janina09, scythe09 →
nugeyo's aniue14, blizzard02, circus03
2 0 :
TRADE: paprika02, tabris01 →
unasuvas' billiards10, black lynx01
TRADE: bite20, black lynx01 →
megchan87 ruin19, stubborn10
TRADE: pudding18, gynoid11, sig →
phibby's arcana10, magatama20, sig_arianne
TRADE: 4-D pocket14 →
jessiss' slave20
TRADE: androphobic17 →
ulquiorrasch's god knows 20
TRADE: akagami19, antique13, wait11 →
baredick's average17, irritated09, pegasus10
TRADE: ruin19, stubborn10 →
darkraven616's misinterpret12, little devil10
2 1 :
GAME: Art Lesson: tenseiga02, anima10
TRADE: renegade11 →
zweilous' meteor17
TRADE: devoted05, blame10, geek06 →
yamanaika's akabari14, little devil14, impressions10
2 2 :
TRADE: names15, chief13/15, dullahan18 →
oriharas' messiah09, orpheus02/14, seahorse11
TRADE: googles15, christmas07 →
futachimaru's blizzard07, road roller17
2 3 :
GAME: silhouette: dialect07, wisdom02
GAME: read between the lines: clown drop17, india20, nonary10
GAME: Bucket: answer04, perfect19
GAME: Costume party: schwarzer04, gewehr19, janam19
ART SHOP: 3 sketchpads + 3 blue, 2 grey crayons: sommelier17, gray wolf20, social15, pasta18, pipe02, guide01, 2 orange, 1 green crayons + berserker03/04/16, symmetry05/06
TRADE: crow07 →
tsuyokunaru's microbes06
TRADE: berserker03/04/16, symmetry05/06 →
bringthefate's hamha15, gentle03, traveler01/02/15
TRADE: isshu17, janam19 →
nugayo's gs league08, isshu11
COLORS LEAGUE: Aoi: dense11, moon11, nii-nii04
COLORS LEAGUE: Akai: lorelei08, angel10, twilight14
2 4 :
GAME: conan's clues: question04, citro01
TRADE: intuition13 →
ouji_tan's belarus18
GAME: crossword: ditz10, gray wolf15, moe08, slave05, fox02
COLORS LEAGUE: Mikan: repeat18, perm20, buusagi12, mushroom01
RA: russia01/03/04/05/06/08/12/18
COLORS LEAGUE: hadome04, twilight15, musket19, aimo09, pig09, padlock04, trance01, fade03, noble10, bills19
TRADE: pig09 →
futachimaru's janam14
TRADE: mushroom01 →
jessiss' ukraine02
TRADE: graceful13, perm08, cruel04, symmetry15 →
raylight159's circus20, cute11, hypnosis13, balut16 + russia14/15
TRADE: janam14 →
nugeyo's rivalry06
2 5 :
TRADE: rafale14 →
barnaby's engagement07
TRADE: empathy01, regal01, windom04, sig →
kearin's belarus10, estonia08, russia02, sig_kearin
TRADE: alien11, bear12, digimon14, pyro queen07 →
spinningstyle's dhampir08, disarm11, 6611, crush08
GIFT: + hiwa19, slave19
COLORS LEAGUE: Murasaki: keyhole13, 004, dark angel18, grey crayon
2 6 :
GAME: art lesson: fullmetal15, exorcise02
GAME: pokeradar: nun03, banana02
TRADE: april09, magatama20, strategy09 →
snackoos' estonia20, fox03, flamboyant
TRADE: fox03, flamboyant04 →
nugeyo's pluto06, mobile16
TRADE: janken15, skeleton13/15 →
mongoosehwrs's aimo02, aniue12, innkeeper03
2 7 :
TRADE: dense11 →
nonchatte's outdated08
TRADE: verbose09/19 →
tsuyokunaru's lithuania06, ophiuchus09
GAME: costume party: fish anima17, bunny12, sky king18
GAME: giveaway: firefist10, yamato04
GAME: pick a color: sukonbu03
COLORS LEAGUE: Gin: andorophobic17, garugari13
TRADE: moon06, exorcise02, mobile16, pluto06 →
dropsofviolet airyglyph07/17, emperor09/10
SCRAPBOOK: mamushi06, korobokkuru09, viera01, marriage11
TRADE: red crayon →
yuirdirnt's yellow crayon
2 8 :
TRADE: millenium03, padlock04, bored11 →
galaxyprettyboy's hypnosis01, slave18 and ukraine08
GAME: Music station: mws19, apologize05, onigiri07
TRADE: parasite10, question04, schwarzer04 →
tategamiwolf emperor03, mercury02 and madness04
2 9 :
TRADE: gadgets20, korobokkuru01/09 →
love_michiyuki's april18, excluded09, secret19
GAME: shadow watching: wine07, short09
GAME: color book: y-ko10 > fox18, burst13
3 0 :
GAME: Crazy colors: mws08 → van19, scientist08
TRADE: aquarium09/14, paopu fruit10 →
stopping's cybele11, jewel11, orpheus13
TRADE: hiwa19, ophiuchus09, excluded09, madness04 →
nugeyo's blizzard15, circus01, forbidden09, outdated20
TRADE: iritated09, citro01, fishanima17, reflection05, second02/15 →
lucathia_rykatu's emperor04, estonia01, locket15, pudding11, darkboots04, bear12
TRADE: choker04 →
blue_fox_girl's aniue19
1 :
TRADE: mom03 →
midori_midori's shirogamon14
GAME: Guess the color: bangle06, golden11
DONATION: Lance Corp: monster18, resolute17, seventeen15, orange crayon
DONATION: Major: sommelier01, dattebayo01, otoko01, blue crayon
TRADE: pegasus10 →
umi_mizuno's formula03
TRADE: seahorse11 →
mango_tcg's god knows02
TRADE: backlace19 →
gantai's akabari02
TRADE: fullmetal15, lorelei08, musket19, smoker20 →
kikinioth's airyglyph06, chainsaw05, estonia12, outdated11
TRADE: glass02, fox02/18, sommelier01 →
ratiosu's outdated09/14/16/18
TRADE: messiah09, orpheus02/13/14, road roller17, cute11, arcana10, garugari13, cybelle11, jewel11 for →
nazonano's belarus19, outdated05, april10, burgers12, clock01, naive09, north italy11, taurus02/11 and toran13
TRADE: burst13 →
piraskel's emperor15
TRADE: pasta18 →
tsuruhime's slave12
2 :
GAME: conan's clues: kyuudou10, googles11, devil20
ART SHOP: 5 sketchpads: nemesisq12, marimo15, otomen19, shades10, rising03, wings15, pluto03, zombie12, amita17, costumes18, red, 2 orange, green, purple crayons
TRADE: onigiri07, focused04 →
moon_wolfwriter's little devil03, outdated10
TRADE: 2 blue crayons →
galearc's orange and grey crayons
TRADE: kid18 →
nazonano's goldfish04
ART SHOP: 1 sketchpad + 1 brown, 4 yellow, 6 orange crayons → bon04, rainfell14, grey crayon + slave02, god knows04/10/18/19, gentle 05/06/07/08/10/11
RA: Airyglyph 02/10/12/14/15/16/18/19
TRADE: otoko01 →
ulquiorrasch's adepts20
3 :
GAME: pokeradar: ariadoney20, tartarus10
TRADE: answer04 →
chikky2k5's latvia07
TRADE: locket15, pudding11, darkboots04, hadome04, apologise05, secret19, april18 → Kikai's aniue01/03/06, forbidden02/03, graceful03 and kid18
TRADE: superior16 →
akise's akabari16
MASTERIES: Sergeant, traveler, slave, gentle: excluded12, pentagaram19, vaa18, biancaneve11, science16, amita19, aptx4869 14, medic08, gentle13/16/20, choker02, 2 yellow 2 orange crayons
4 :
PoG: September: ramble19, marry03, warrior02, left18, elite19, quadra10, umibozu08, control06, gamble19, denmark17, osuwari14, spain04, capture11, watermelon11, 66710, red rose07, marshmallow14, thinking18, piano05, shujaa14, kekkai18, fierce06, faint attack08, cyber14, blastia1, innocent10, hikari19, regulus06, headband10, vermouth09, 2 red crayon
TRADE: april10 →
katou's lithuania20
GAME: art lesson: celestial17, neptune08
GAME: Switch it up: meganekko08 → latvia11
GAME: coloring book: cute girls14 → shirogamon19, lipstick10
TRADE: repeat18, hikari19, twilight14 →
futachimaru's blastia05/10/16
TRADE: blastia05/10/16 →
zweilous's assertive09, shy01/14
5 :
TRADE: fire fist10 →
baredick's bangle18
TRADE: billiards10, hypnosis09/13, shy01/14 →
00zags' beauty04, blue rose13, god knows12, photographs02, russia19
TRADE: god17, noble10 →
arushiaoi's shirogamon10, forbidden19
TRADE: capture11, anima10, left18 →
forthefluff's south italy11, sealand08, shadow12
GAME: crazy colors49: slave20, astronomy16
TRADE: clown drop17 →
dearmykeysx's estonia07
TRADE: denmark17, xiv05 →
yamanaika's aniue20, exsphere10
TRADE: exsphere10 →
chikky2k5's estonia13
TRADE: bills19 →
unasuvas' assertive11
TRADE: satisfaction10, railgun09, shen long05 →
nazonano's asertive17, ratsbane05, rock leone19
7 :
TRADE: clock01, deliver10, justice09, rainfell14 →
makoto666's choker05, cruel07, blue rose09, guitar16
TRADE: shirogamon14, twilight15 →
chuukoku's god knows16, martillo04
TRADE: nonary10, adam19, suit10, recessive20, shard12, tenseiga02, fade03 →
sparkism's estonia05, forbidden01, outdated14, circus05/15, ukraine06/11
TRADE: guitar16 →
realistic_soul's graceful07
RELEASE: Oct: lance corp01, private02, corporal0, fabulous02, cure passion17, badminton04, jewel witch12, reporter02, razor leaf11, younger09
TRADE: fabulous02 →
hushlust's lance corp04
TRADE: jewel witch12 →
forthefluff's lance corp08
TRADE: cure passion17 →
galearc's lance corp06
8 :
TRADE: corporal01 →
bringthefate's lance corp03
TRADE: pluto03 →
dropsofviolet's lance corp13
TRADE: private02 →
jessiss' lance corp02
TRADE: razor leaf11 →
moon_wolfwriter's lance corp11
TRADE: blizzard01 →
tsuruhime's lance corp10
GAME: Shadou Watching: gorilla11, chui11
GAME: Read between the lines: hungrywolf19, agorithm17, eldest07
GAME: Costume Party: Otaku05, hebihime18, al bhed16
GAME: crossword: chibi moon14, viera10, zauber02, cancer19, monocle06
TRADE: explosives13, kekkai18 →
senren's speed11, wine08
TRADE: chibi moon03, devil20, formula03, golem20, guide01, karaya02, knives01, mercury02, tuna14, thinking18, scientist08, warrior02, martillo04 →
nugeyo's belarus02/07/14, blizzard05, blue rose15, emperor20, lance corp05, simulation06, south italy05/16, circus16/18, noble10
TRADE: cyber14, lemonade08/10 →
galearc's engagement06, bride20
TRADE: marshmallow14, science16, umibozu08 →
lucathia_rykatu's brave18, data drain18 and dattebayo04
TRADE: celestial17, dattebayo01 →
kearin's light06, avenge19
TRADE: al bhed16, viera10 →
darkraven616's feathers13, egoistical04
TRADE: innocent10 →
ulquiorrasch's lance corp12
TRADE: hebihime18 →
love_michiyuki's south italy17
TRADE: badminton04 →
arushiraoi's lance corp07
9 :
TRADE: excluded12 →
oriaon's estonia10
TRADE: balut16, hello03/17 →
multitasks' cyber10, fire16, sogeking14
TRADE: average17, chat02 →
experienced's forbidden12, ukraine13
TRADE: data drain18, vino12, viola07 →
nugeyo's king12, masochit18, shadow01
DONATION: Maxed out graphics: east10, sailor fuku02, alias20, lacytanga19, dancer19, pride15, onigiri08, taisa03, swimming17, vampire cat03, samurai cat11, raccoon19, taurus13, oblivious14, red crayon
1 0 :
TRADE: amahara17, bon04 →
dearmykeysx's major15, origami03
ART STUDIO: wei15, yamato04, worry01, wisdom02, witch01, wings15, wine07, waitress05/10, vines06, vermouth09, trumpet04, trance01, torture19, sweets02, solar20, social15, spitfire02, spirit12, hornet07 → banana07, small03, mu17, mako19, pure13, 2-A11, vermouth11, classical11, pendulum16, 1st child07
TRADE: classical11, pure13, lumberjack17 →
vriska's lithuania19, hamha06, photographs11
TRADE: van17/19 →
oriharas' black lynx14, funeral12
TRADE:photographs11, marriage11, hypnosis05/06/15, lacytanga19 →
hushlust's airyglyph08, amulet11, blue rose05, circus10, estonia04 and simulation09
TRADE: nun03 →
forthefluff's oni18
TRADE: oni18 →
chibi_parfait's spain07
RA: beauty 01/02/03/05/07/08/11/13
TRADE: 1st child07, sogeking14 →
makoto666's black lynx15, south italy20
1 1 :
RA: forbidden05/16, little devil17/18, malice03/12 and outdated17/19
GAME: Pick a color: beli15, red comet08
TRADE norway03/18, aptx4869 14, king12, keyhole13 →
animepam's shirogamon15, data drain11, dresses16, hiwa08 and magician16
TRADE: blastia11 →
zweilous' major06
1 2 :
TRADE: engaged07, rebirth09, shujaa14, vampirecat03 →
jessiss' airyglyph03, aquarius17, reliability15, steak20
GAME: Conan: coffee16, defense07
TRADE: gamble19 →
ouji_tan's ukraine12
TRADE: chainsaw05, funeral12, short09 →
kayoriayane's bicycle04, birthplace14, taurus12
TRADE: seth13 →
suhoons' vampire cat01
GAME: necessarius20 →
experienced's bonds04
GAME: Art Lesson: cats 'n dogs 04, blame14
GAME: Directions: acrophobia03, rivalry17
TRADE: graceful03, perm20, otomen19, priest13, sukonbu03 →
raylight159 russia14/15, cute12, aniue05, emperor12
TRADE: cancer19 →
suhoons' electricity11
1 3:
TRADE: bleep12 →
yamanaika's sagittarius14
TRADE: electricity11, dresses16 →
arushiraoi's touch this06, outdated04
TRADE: data drain11, hiwa08, beli15 →
nugeyo's forbidden08/11/15
TRADE: purple/red crayons →
vriska's 2 yellow crayons
GAME: Color book: owner13 → aptx 2869 08, older07
TRADE: bicycle04
ulquiorrasch's akabari06
1 4 :
TRADE: amulet11, marry03, cats n dogs 04 →
meghan87's aniue02/17, emperor17
GAME: Costume Party: reality02, healthy08, science14
TRADE: steak20 →
suhoons' misinterpret08
TRADE: chui11, neptune08, otaku05 →
phibby's asset15, god hand13, quack14
TRADE: egoistical04, first19, science14 →
lucathia_rykatu's blue rose06, spain01, wish17
TRADE: valentines02, quack14 →
kikinioth's graceful15, lance corp17.
1 5:
GAME: Beauty Pageant: flower12, novelist10, sablier10, identity19, red crayon
TRADE: dancer09/19 →
darkraven616's little devil16, mushi18
TRADE: shattered14 →
bringthefate's beat jumper19
TRADE: gorilla11 →
futachimaru's lapistier07
TRADE: obliged14, wish12 →
snackoos' outdated12, violent02
TRADE: tartarus10 →
vriska's janam07
TRADE: janam07, blame14 →
nugeyo's misinterpret04, south italy12
TRADE: alias20, onigiri08 →
mango_tcg's oblivion15, south italy10
1 7 :
TRADE: ditz10 →
tonko_ni's hamha01
ptrd-41 08 →
unasuvas' engagement02
TRADE: graceful07/15, cruel07, violent02 →
raylight159's blindfold10, outdated02, onigiri05 and rival12
TRADE: banana02/07, cute12 →
nazonano's beautiful07, blindfold18, zanza01
TRADE: regulus06 →
alicelmalice's thinking01
TRADE: fullmoon02, headband10, fire16 →
yuidirnt's maihime05, honoo09, sky pirate04
TRADE: samurai cat11 → 's misinterpret14
TRADE: control06/19, fang11, honest12, reliability15, seventeen15, thinking01 →
nugeyo's airyglyph20, aniue04, forbidden04, knightmare14, bartender03, blizzard18 and mononoke18
TRADE: gewerh19 →
akise's rat13
1 8 :
TRADE: black lynx15, outdated14, sock puppet19, vampire cat01 →
meghan87's outdated03/06/13/15
TRADE: taurus11/13, zombie12, switzerland16 →
hushlust's akabari20, gergo03, janam16, onion07
TRADE: ember17, water gun05, cyber10, birthplace14, beautiful07, fain attack08, onigiri05, at13, zanza01 →
moon_wolfwriter's latvia08/09/17, aniue10, circus07/12/14, direction04/19
TRADE: slave20, honoo09/15, sommellier17, violin07, virgo17 →
dearmykeysx' flame07, formal08, ice03, cherry15, sadist08, suna-suna13
TRADE: beat jumper19, shades10/14 →
vriska's emperor13, perm06/10
TRADE: maihime05 →
nonchatte's estonia18
GAME: Crossword: spandex18, sunshine17, algorithm05, effiminate11, unwritten08
GAME: switch it up: buusagi12 → cure berry04
TRADE: shirogamon10/15 →
chuukoku's emperor02, circus13
1 9:
GAME: Coloring book: 2-A11 → eyepatch15, immigrant09, acrobat06
2 0:
TRADE: bartender03, ice03, knightmare14, reality02, zauber02 →
nonchatte's pal08/19, whip06/19, control01
TRADE: sunshine17, black lynx14 →
chikky2k5's cruel16, whip02
2 1 :
GAME: Read between the lines: busted04, synthesia12, pisces19
GAME: Shadow Watching: 2nd child12, moon01, rebirth07
GAME: Coloring book: sailor fuku02, cabbage18 → Wild16, single13, loveless16, excalibur19, uguu01
GAME: Switch it up: 0 04 → zura 09
TRADE: blindfold10/18, busted04, cruel16, touch this06 →
lukathia_rykatu's circus08, king kazma18, mononoke16, paopu fruit11, trainer02
TRADE: east10 →
galearc's innkeeper15
TRADE: innkeeper03/15, king kazma18, paopu fruit11, effiminate11 →
stopping's assertive05/11, estonia17, hyakki yakou17 and maou13
2 2 :
TRADE: acrobat06, algorithm05/17, pentagram19 →
senren's formal14, gergo17, professor18, snake20
TRADE: flower12 →
nazonano's lapistier04
TRADE: 2nd child12, drums05, perfect19, fullmoon09 →
kearin's excalibur12/13, mononoke08, sealand09
TRADE: cure berry04, pipe02 →
tategamiwolf's mushi03, spain10
TRADE: rhythm16 →
harumonia's zura15
TRADE: maou13 →
nugeyo's spain09
ART SHOP: 2 sketchpads: kouhai13, kshatriya12, bad luck17, pig07, yellow/brown crayon
GAME: Conan's clues: yo-yo04, egoistical16
GAME: Costume Party: bleep11
2 3 :
TRADE: sky pirate04 →
kikinioth's belarus09
TRADE: perm06/10, zura09/15, sadist08 →
raylight159's aniue19/20, circus06/07/11
TRADE: blizzard02/03/05/19 → 's aniue13, classical01, funeral06, sen12
TRADE: snake20 →
cherryxjelly's simulation18
2 4 :
TRADE: onion07 →
indigotcg's bangle11
TRADE: pisces10, taurus02/12 →
dearmykeysx's fate20, marry14, smart-mouth03
RA: assertive02/12/20, blue rose 11, lithuania05, mononoke03/15 and raccoon07
GIFT: 2 orange/green crayons to Nuge
GIFT: Nuge: circus04/09/10/19
TRADE: samekh19, aquarius17 →
tsuruhime's estonia14, shadow19
GAME: Guess the Color: matriarch05, mad cancer11
2 5 :
TRADE: uaa18 →
stopping's emperor14
GAME: Pick a color: acrophobia14, shy08
TRADE: janam16, control01, hyakki yakou17, pal08/19, whip02/06/19 →
nugeyo's 1st lt18, corporal08, forbidden18, gorilla01, mononoke01, otomen01, henshin15, microbes09
TRADE: sen12 →
kikai7's simulation12
2 6 :
TRADE: synesthesia12 →
piraskel's mononoke12
TRADE: suna-suna13 →
makoto666's mononoke09
GAME: Art Lesson 72: julia16, hachiko17
2 7:
TRADE: burgers12 →
phibby's bonds13
2 8 :
TRADE: asset15 →
unasuvas' hyakka16
TRADE: pig07, oblivion15 →
arushiaoi's private06, scout18
2 9 :
TRADE: bonds13, scout18, origami17, shy08 →
nugeyo's eroge16, mnonoke05, simulation01, steiner04
LEVEL UP: Blue, Purple: rebirth02, third06, outdated01/07, sagittarius10, scar11, blue/purple crayon
GAME: Crazy Colors: contests16, aptx4869 15 → tokunaga12, acrophobia10, clothespeg01, cats 'n dogs16, nyan08, sky jack13
GAME: Music Station: angel02, shades18, cute11
TRADE: bleep11 →
experienced's forbidden17
TRADE: eyepatch15, mu17 →
nugeyo's cowbell07, mediator17
3 0:
GAME: Beauty Pageant: kendo14, lapistier01, ace witches04, electricity12, rival16, babylon19, death15, asset06, roma antiqua11, hair clips05, orange/green crayons
GAME: Switch it up: aptx4869 08 →
moon_wolfwriter's simulation04
GAME: Coloring book: swimming17 → chupa16, exchanger07
GAME: Shadow Watching: glasses01, black fox13
GAME: Pokeradar: part-time16, samurai cat09, speed01
GAME: Costume Party: housework02, simulation18, combat04
GAME: conan's clues: master02, science09
TRADE: moon01 →
dropsofviolet's malice05
TRADE: classical01 →
snackoos' devoted12
GAME: izaya: crazy12 → chat17, amulet03
GAME: Art Lesson: bomb11, armor01
DONATE: Deck: Zoruru, Tororo: Snail08, Reliability11, detective12, admired11, beli10, sushi15, brown/grey crayon
TRADE: chat17 →
oriharas' control11
0 1 :
TRADE: exchanger17 →
baredick's lapistier17
TRADE: amulet03, fate20, hair clips05, marry14 →
megchan87's tiger17, nose13, cellphone01, archaeology18
TRADE: single13 →
akise's sailor fuku11
SCRAPBOOK: 25: pantheress15, klutz02, samurai cat05
TRADE: armor01 →
enwns89's assertive14
TRADE: aniue20, angel10, bad luck17, egoistical16, hachiko17 →
kearin's dog tags16, fish anima18, fire bringer13, nonary19, & spider17
TRADE: devoted12 →
stopping's engagement01
RA: Directions 1/3/5/6/7/8/10/11
TRADE: excalibur12/13/19 →
yuidirnt's belarus12/20, estonia19
TRADE: gorilla01, hyakka16 →
raylight159's simulation20, 1st lt01
0 2 :
TRADE: detective12 →
galearc's lapistier19
RA: directions 12/14/15/16/17/18, raccoon02/03
TRADE: howl01, india20, loveless16, viera01, maxter19 →
bringthefate's naska15, smell11, fang08, mutt13, trace09
TRADE: control11, simulation18, naska15 →
nugeyo's bangle05, beard03, cosmos08
0 3 :
TRADE: nyan08, eroge16 →
hushlust anchor05, private13
TRADE: archaeology18, cellphone01, matriarch05, steiner04 →
ratiosu's directions13, emperor06, falchion10 and mononoke11
TRADE: asset06, roma antiqua11, sagittarius10 →
unasuvas' cheat18, punishment13, shadow11
TRADE: acrophobia10 →
ulquiorrasch's mushi16
TRADE: beli10 →
tonko_ni's feminine10
0 4 :
TRADE: mutt13 →
jessiss' emperor19
TRADE: hyper01, hypnosis01 →
futachimaru's underwear08, adepts13
TRADE: older07, speed01 →
forthefluff's simulation17, corporal17
TRADE: death15 →
suhoons' eyepatch12
GAME: Seiyuu Guess: reliable09, kunlun12, sin19
GAME: Seiyuu Guess: starfish19, bloodelf15, vodka05, valkyrie08, detached12, exorcise08
GAME: Beauty Pageant: blades13, halloween10, estonia12, rose17, orange crayon
TRADE: aptx4869 08, klutz02 →
galearc's little devil12, private18
GAME: Guess the color 67: ring19, dullahan10
GAME: Guess the color 68: amulet02, locked in08
TRADE: electricity12, nonary19 →
arushiraoi's hitsuzen05, objection06
0 5 :
TRADE: red comet08, cute11, housework02, masochist18, hungry wolf19, marimo15, otomen01 →
yamanaika's blades10, formal16, shard03, smell20, seed14/15, little kitty15
TRADE: cowbell07 →
indigotcg's major13
TRADE: blades10/13, eyepatch12, smell11/20 →
nugeyo's exorcist08, osaka08/12, platinum01, trinisette16
TRADE: Coffee 16, Elite 19, HRE 09, Master 02, Pride 15, Revolver 08, Sagittarius 14, Sake 17 →
nugeyo's Bread 14, Burgers 05, Bungee 08, Candy 18, Foxhound 02, Revolver 17, Sympathy 04, Tease 20
TRADE: babylon19, sailor fuku11, trace09 →
nazonano's izanagi04, sen04, sukonbu08
TRADE: platinum01 →
suhoons' beard07
TRADE: amulet02, reliability11, kendo14 →
GAME: Costume Party: dresses08, cybernetic17, volleyball04
GAME: Conan's clues: cheri07, heroine06
GAME: Switch it up: androphobic17 → mushi10
GAME: between the lines: doberman01, gergo16, understand06
GAME: Shadow Watching: brain06, shocking13
GAME: Coloring book: chartreux17, rebirth07 → peach09, shannaro15, inside08, tactician05
GAME: Lottery: england08, graceful05, ghost05, moonlight06, silhouettes06, astraphobia01, earthshaker19, ice19, yellow crayon
0 6 :
RELEASES: clear09, white knight06, upbeat03, royalty05/13
TRADE: bunny12, samurai cat05 →
wolfie's airyglyph07, mononoke02
TRADE: blue eyes18 →
mokubas' cosmos03
SUBMISSION: Art x2: literature17, norway11, luminous04, royal guard03, hanafuda05, fuukan18, friends15, orange/brown crayons
TRADE: master13 →
ulquiorrasch's corporal06
TRADE: clear09 →
galearc's hamha02
0 7:
TRADE: volleyball04 →
akise's engagement13
TRADE: tiger17 →
cherryxjelly's raccoon09
COLORS LEAGUE: Midorin: honor18, bite20, nosebleed08
TRADE: friends15 →
mokubas' royalty18
TRADE: white knight06 →
tsuruhime's royalty07
TRADE: rival16, trinisette16 →
moon_wolfwriter's hamha16, 1st lt04
TRADE: costumes17, fragile15, taisa03 →
perarduaadast's nyanperona20, reporter01, spain17
TRADE: professor18, skyjack13, novelist10 →
dearmykeysx' nose10, sealand18, vigilante08
TRADE: leopard18 →
wolfie's major11
TRADE: cheat18, falchion10 →
lucathia_rykatu's little devil02, coach06
0 8:
GAME: Directions: hyperion05, nonary20, elemental15
TRADE: heroine06, spandex18, royal guard03 →
hushlust's busted01, directions02, guillotine17
TRADE: feminine10, hanafuda05, valkyrie08 →
00zags's so cute04, shadow05/08
GAME: pick a color: blue/purple crayons
1 0 :
TRADE: hitsuzen05
dropsofviolet's royalty01
TRADE: samurai cat05
thisiscyrene's frigid14
GAME: Crossword: roma antiqua18, empathy15, wisdom02, death zone15
GAME: Seiyuu guess: melchsee01, rat07, paint09, barrettes08, plug in13, experiments20
1 1 :
GAME: Shadow Watching: buusagi12, 018
GAME: Coloring Book: yo-yo04 → egoistical18, high jump07
GAME: Costume Party: demon10, lemonade16, doberman16
ART SHOP: 17 sketchpads: reaper09, ishu04, engrish20, turkey10, estonia16, ramble20, new recruit12, harmonica07, dream12, first06, dhampir05, cosmos16, bell01, passion17, hai copy10, lie05, mako05, secret14, silent06, timber owl16, social10, priest20, bravo03, advisor18, extreme16, amiable15, madness01, violence14, pachinko06, patriot03, madao04, innocent08, ghost12, ragnell10, 2 red, 3 orange, 3 yellow, 3 green, 3 blue, 1 purple, 2 grey
ART SHOP: 5 yellows, 3 greys: bangle03/14/20, choker01/07/08/12/15
1 6 :
TRADE: lemonade16 →
galearc's red rose17
TRADE: onmyouji10 →
kearin's little devil15
TRADE: silent06, rat07 →
moon_wolfwriter's emperor08, 1st Lt 11
TRADE: death zone15 →
yamanaika's lapistier16
RA: believe20, chainsaw14, cuarta03, graceful14, malice19, mononoke04, ukraine19/20
GAME: Art Lesson: unwavering17, otaku05
GAME: Coloring Book: 667 10 → silly14, estonia07
GAME: Conan's Clues: tengu13, psybeam13
GAME: Pokeradar: fire bringer06, heian18
GAME: Host Club: valentines13, kamatari06
GAME: Spareparts: understand06, stoic11
GAME: Host Club: abyss11, ninja14
1 7 :
GAME: Guess the Color: Graf Eisen07, channel03
GAME: Spare Parts: mechanic16, fade18
GAME: Shadow Watching: uncute20, canada19
GAME: Read between the lines: devotion14, glass04, stadust10
GAME: Seiyuu Guess: dream world10, tuna05, exchanger01
1 8 :
Pot of Gold: right12, dna14, s-hall02, black cat18, across14, kaiser11, runner03, platinum15, blessed13, tabris18, abh02, priest10, plunder05, mobile12, mars18, onmyouji18, motorcycle09, morning02, 2-a14, airyglyph09, regulus20, vigilante14, free09, orange/green/2purple crayons
GAME: Guess the Color: heartbreak01, wings02, mood maker13
1 9 :
GAME: Conan's Clues: mulberry14, deathscythe20
GAME: Pokeradar: flask11, information04
TRADE: shades18, vigilante08, cats 'n dogs 16 →
vriska's joker15, miss deep 01, engagement12
TRADE: hyperion05, uranus18 →
love_michiyuki's 30 years old 14, gorilla07
TRADE: high jump07, s-hall02 →
dearmykeysx's aristocrat09, crystal09
TRADE: across14, deathscythe20, silhouettes06 →
phibby's beauty10, impressions13, messiah16
GAME: costume party: genius18, reliability07, almighty15
2 0 :
TRADE: watermelon11 →
love_michiyuki's sealand11
TRADE: fish anima18 →
vriska's corporal13
TRADE: psybeam13 →
moon_wolfwriter's russia16
GAME: Directions: dhampir05, iyashikei05, guitar09
2 1:
GAME: Conan's Clues: jealousy11, misinterpret10
2 4:
GAME: PokeRadar: ki01, abh17
TRADE: osaka08 →
farsketched's mononoke17
TRADE: upbeat03 →
spiffytuna's royalty10
TRADE: iyashikei05 →
xiansasuka's royalty15
RA: author14, forbidden07, raccoon04/08/10/11/14, the paper11
2 9 :
GAME: Shadow Watching: ero-cook11, onion19
GAME: art lesson: shakugan08, twin star03
GAME: crossword: saturn06, berserker06, luck04, strength03, henshin02
TRADE:dream12, luminous04 →
galearc's hamha13, royalty16
TRADE: anchor05, right12, smart-mouth03 →
ouji_tan's belarus15, south italy06, 1st lt13
3 0:
TRADE: saturn06 →
love_michiyuki's 1st lt 15
GAME: Switch it up: uncute20 → appetite05
GAME: Art Lesson: henshin19, caring01
D e c e m b e r
16 :
SCARPBOOK: playboy08, pipe04, guide10
MASTERY: Choker, bangle, god knows, outdated: lucky08, almighty15, knife01, bangle01, alien07, misandry04, gemini05, latvia01/04/12, exceed10, combat04, hadome08, shujaa15, peacock10, wise wolf05, purple/green/brown/red
GAME: Conan's Clues 68: swim trunks18, nameless12
GAME: Pick a Color: empathy09
GAME: Host Club35: brother06, chibikko11
ASOBOT DONATION: raccoon04/08/10/11/14
GAME: Shadow Watching 66: debt15, morning13
GAME: Coloring book 26: blank03 → forbidden18, avenge16
GAME: Read Between the lines 39: idiot11, kerberous11, reserved20
POT OF GOLD: single18, nekotalia03, lemonade20, juliet01, razor leaf07, galaxy12, psybeam19, superior06, shy09, meat20, cure melody04, starts14, pomegranate14, sohcahtoa02, green crayon
GAME: Costume Party 68: locket16, raven07, musket18
OCTOBER GRAPHICS DONATION: taisa03, castle17, menace06, strict02, devotion14, adore04, aikido09, flute01, excluded12, hitsuzen06, clothespeg11, traveler04, libra10, cleaning03, red crayon
NOVEMBER GRAPHICS DONATION: earth16, naive04, sweet07, punishment12, assertive10, outcast08, guitar05, jokes16, sagittarius03, left16, goddess06, platinum20, luminous03, turtle06, smile04, kami no mimi10, austria01, yellow01, archadia13, aimo08, kurogamon17, nightmare19, brown crayon
GAME: Conan's clues 69: take over08, chief maid18, apple11
GAME: Art Lesson 78: taurus02, faust06
GAME: Pokeradar69: new recruit18, university11
GAME: Graffiti 36: rich15, blessed14, skater18, shadow01, rivalry11
GAME: Lottery: acrophobia03/14, amita17/19, dhampir05 for NOTHING
GAME: Pick a Color: protective19, mononoke04, wait04, chevalier13
ADVENT CALENDAR: Day 02/04/07/11/12/15: lapistier02, little devil09, blue rose18, major09, simulation13, lithuania12, spain12, frigid08
TRADE: devotion14, osaka12 →
farsketched's engagement08, mushi07
TRADE: genius18, innocent08 →
mongoosehwrs' south italy03, little devil04
TRADE: Iyashikei05, Mechanic16, Pachinko06 and Sushi15 →
yamanaika's bard10, beauty06, impressions18 and peter pan08
TRADE: amiable15, black cat18 →
wolfie's aniue07, shadow15
TRADE: barrettes08 →
kikinioth's lithuania08
TRADE: november18 →
shamuon's major12
TRADE: musket18 →
pierrott's beard01
TRADE: mars18, march hare13, tuna05 →
love_michiyuki's effeminate19, iceland07, new recruit03
TRADE: paternal06, shakugan08 →
phibby's nindou12, otomen09
GAME: Switch it up: defense07 → minus14
GAME: Coloring Book 27: understand06 > perception09, fan club11
ADVENT CALENDAR: Day 03/08: dee10, ponta14, virgin bride16, touch this03, exactly12, water gun11
TRADE: kouhai13, earth16 →
tsuruhime's ice beam07, skirt05
TRADE: sin19, vodka05, wild16, wisdom02 →
nugeyo's blue rose19, sweden02/15/18
ADVENT CALENDAR: Day 05/13: little devil09, part-time16, illegitimate14, mood maker10, hyakka08, orange crayon
SHOPPING STREET: Ravishly Red: 2 purple, 4 brown, 6 grey candies: donate a special deck coupon
SHOPPING STREET: Glorious Green: 8 red, 6 green, 6 blue, 7 orange candies: latvia13/14/15, misinterpret02/03/06, simulation03/08/14
SHOPPING STREET: Purple Poision: 6 yellow, 5 purple, 1 green candies: microbes03/10/12
TRADE: hitsuzen06
drops_of _violet's estonia11
TRADE: reporter01, elemental15, crystal09, messiah16
nazonano's appetite17, frigid18, mediator01, sealand14
TRADE: immigrant09, sen04
arushiraoi's iceland16, private05
TRADE: platinum20
suhoons' forbidden20
TRADE: austria01, funeral06, kerberous11, sohcahtoa02
yuidirnt's data drain10/13, touch this 10, upbeat14
TRADE: strict02
0_seichi_0's appetite01
TRADE: cure melody04, lemonade20, luminous03
galearc's new years16, cruel11, frigid19
TRADE: castle17, galaxy12, gemini05, raven07
nonchatte's mushi02, blue rose20, norway05, lorelei14
GAME: Art Lesson 80: raccoon10, selece06, bartender13, friends01, whispered04
GAME:ADVENT CALENDAR: day 14: grey/blue crayons
TRADE: mako05, onmyouji18
stillarium's forbidden06, sealand02
TRADE: bite20, chainsaw14, flask11, wealthy08
kira_diasparkle's finland19, fire bringer18, pisces15, sweden07
TRADE: chief maid18, first aid09
alvanista's corporal07, older09
GAME: Pick a color: kneel15, pitcher19, grey crayon
GAME: Host Club: retainer15, smell19
GAME: Seiyuu guess: gaps03, darling04, ecure09
GAME: Information exchange: guitar09, north italy11 > weak18, private15, taijutsu06, net idol01
GAME: Art Lesson: motorcycle09, esper16
GAME: Reading between the lines: pianist11, peace12, black02
GAME: Shadow watching: male11, hahi03
GAME: Coloring Book 28: reserved20 > hitsuzen19, charisma14
GAME: Guess the Color: lucky stars11, fish anima09, krisna06
TRADE: 30 years old14, airyglyph07, data drain10/13, objection06, strength03, bungee08, free09
nugeyo's assertive01, frigid11, private20, shadow10, spain13 and royalty14/16/19
RELEASES:polite15, billionaire10, ridiculed07, allergen03, minus03, thorn01, hostess17, demon rose20, ice beam20, blue20
GAME: Conan's Clues: hyperactive04, secret05
GAME: Directions: wild child09, pipe01, penguin11
GAME: Art Lesson: Okama20, sommelier10
GAME: understand06 > Coloring Book: 27: grey crayon
GAME: seiyuu guess 72: puppeteer14, inadequate20, lipstick20
GAME: Costume Party: sky dragon15, ignition02, reserved19
TRADE: billionaire10
miyasaikouTRADE: ridiculed07
futachimaru's beard13
TRADE: allergen03
meghan87's engagement10
TRADE: reliability07
futachimaru's so cute12
GAME: Host Club 38: dynamite07, jealous03
GAME: Seiyuu Guess 73: hotheaded09, destiny19, halberd03
GAME: Spareparts 68: buchou17
GAME: Costume Party 74: janina06, heartbreak09, umbrella20
GAME: Music Station 75: bsaa12, tease10, korobokkuru13
GAME: Conan's Clues 75: first room13, janina03
GAME: Shadow Watching 72: vampire cat04, isshu05
GAME: Music Station 76: reporter06, black fox06, pride11
GAME: Reading between the Lines 42: Sakura15, inadequate11, peace03
GAME: Ryoga's Directions 39: cheat10, symmetry08, pal04
GAME: Poke Radar 75: acrophobia07, phoenix06
GAME: Pick a Color 38: wait 14
GAME: Music Station 74: mystic eyes06, knife10, dinosaur17, exorcise07
GAME: Spare Parts 67: shihouka01, unorthodox19, stalker08
GAME: Beauty Pageant 41: lie09, math12, symmetry02, itako18
RELEASES: January: spiral07, drill spear12, revolution16, cockroaches14, souls20, bondage11
ADVENT CALENDAR: Day 17: mad cancer19, keyboard12, frail03
ADVENT CALENDAR: Day 23: rdiculed12, second room08
TRADE: bartender13, effeminate19, inadequate20:
stopping's sealand20, shadow13, ukraine10
TRADE: nonary20, drill spear12
futachimaru's mediator18
TRADE: cockroaches14
ulquiorrasch's lithuania17
TRADE: predilection11
yamanaika's little devil01
TRADE: souls20, isshu04
nerrin's mushi12, meteor03
TRADE: new years16, yellow01
love_michiyuki's blue rose07, sealand03
Ticks (6): Dara, Gil, Aby, Allmia, Moon, Hitomi
Akai x5: Gil, Lucathia, Chikky, Eri, Remus
Mikan x5: Lita, Tonko, John, Mikan-tan, Kearin
Kou x4: Kristi, Kerry, Arianne, Angela
Midorin x4: Kuri, Miyako, Aniki, Lain
Aoi x4: Ouji, Dara, Allmia, Chuu
Murasaki x4: Mara, Moon, Nuge, Meghan
Tobi x3: cassidy, Aby, Aru
Gin x4: Rachel, Hitomi, Raven, Zweilous
ticks (7): aniki, Rachel, Kristi, Tonko, Cassidy, Nuge, lazuli
Aoi x1: kikai
Mikan x1: Lazuli
Gin x1: Nomi
Tobi x1: Shadowy
ticks (7): ray, shadowy, lita, kikai, kearin, nomi, pam
Aoi: x1: aletha
murasaki x2: naociak, dove
ticks(5): elisia, remus, origami, kuri, Risu
Red x1: Akai,
Midorin x1: Midori~n,
Grey x1: Risu
ticks(5): Meghan, Dove, Ouji, Eri, Chikky
Akai x2: Tress, pam
Kou x1: ray
ticks (2): Raven, john
Mikan x1: Diasparkle
Midorin x1: indigo
tick (1): Naociak
tick (2): tsubaki, aru
kou: tsubaki
tick(4): kemono, diasparkle, Ka-chan, Arianne, Kidalana
Midorin (1): Mnemosyne
Murasaki (1): Murasaki