I'm Official!

Feb 13, 2009 14:01

I'm sitting at the_black_drop down the street from the courthouse after a very quick and painless appearance to get my name changed. The judge was comedic, which is awesome. I was expecting some stuffy guy to be all frowny faced at me, or something, but he was perfectly happy, and bam. I has official papers. I still have to stop by the social security office (and of course update my name everywhere else), but it's still a great feeling to finally have this done. I left school like half an hour early, and managed to miss the bus by like ten seconds, but I still got there on time (I definitely wouldn't have if I'd left class at the usual time). I ended up talking to this woman named Molly, who was just as confused as me about which room we were supposed to go to. Eventually, she noticed that it said REALLY BIG up above that we were room 2. I guess both of us were expecting it to be specific per person, so we were only looking around near our names. But actually, everyone in the room was there for a name change. I was a bit disappointed that no one else was making a very big change. The next biggest change was someone Americanizing a Spanish looking name. (But he didn't show up!) Mostly it was just girls changing their last names in a very marriage looking way, but you don't have to go in the court room for that, so I'm not sure what's up. Hey, wow. I'm rambling. Bye!

identity, plur

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