Call me crazy, but...

Aug 14, 2006 08:13

I eat meat, whether you consider this a fault or not is personal opinion and I respect that. I respect whether or not others eat meat...

I think this is why I find the 'meat, we were meant to eat it' a big pile of offensive propaganda bullshit. I can't believe they want to expose kids to that and brain wash them into not being vege/vegan. Bah to stupid marketing shite. I'm going to make sure as alex grows he has a choice in whether he wants to eat meat or not andis educated that he doesn't have to eat it despite what various companies say and that he can eat alternate foods to replace what the meat provides and so forth.

But then I also make him eat thai food, curries (mild though!) and all sorts of things, including stuff I don't like, so he knows there is a lot of range and variety out there. He's already been exposed to vegetarian and vegan food already, and according to the meat people's ads I'm damning his brain development by doing it!. Bah to them
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