Stupid "puter

Oct 02, 2007 09:41

There are times I would like to throw this new one through the wall.  For starters I seem unable to get Yahoo messenger to work.  Then it takes stupid fits and I don't know which to blame--internet explorer or Vista.  I'll be online and it won't let me right-click on any link so I can open it in another tab.  Then on Equination it won't open the "pop-up" style windows all the time for pedigree/progeny reports and such.  Sometimes its fine othertimes it won't do it for love or money.  So I tried downloading Firefox and it seems to be doing ok although I got a bit irritated that I had to download the flash plugin to watch the equination races when I could watch them straight away on IE--of course IE was being stupid today so that's why I tried Firefox.

I have to admit I'm having fun with my play equination racehorses.  Just had one that I had bought and gelded (evil grin) run his lifetime best rating.  Now in my "big" stable I've got my homebreds as 2 year olds and I'm hoping that they turn out to be good ones.  Now I've got many colored index cards strewn all over the desk so I can keep track of workouts/training.  Who would have thought an onine game like that could be so much fun?  What stinks though is when I retire the one horse from my "claiming" stable I won't be able to breed the mares from my "good" stable to him unless I upgrade both accounts.  This horse has really been a good one to have not been raced in 3 EQ years and he should be a good stallion--thank goodness I didn't geld him!  I might try selling him to one of my online friends and then I think I could breed to him but I'll have to check to make sure.  The way the game is set up to prevent cheating sometimes you get stuck where you can't do what you would like to.  For instance my 2 stables show up as "linked" but if someone else tried to start one from my Dad's computer it would show as "linked" to mine since I've  accessed them both from his computer.  I've not had problems with it yet but I can see where it could be a bit of a pain.

Oh, and Miss Duchess has chewed a hole in the covering over my box spring and pulled some of the foam covering the sides out! Rotten red dog.  I'm gong to see about taking them for a walk here in a bit since we didn't go last night.  Maybe even try for 2 walks today.  I've gotten both the last ones right at an hour--good for all 3 of us and it tires the girls, especially Duchess out.  She was full of herself last night.  Gotta love the rotten little girl though--she will waller her head on me and it reminds of a cat rubbing their head on you.
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