Long time no update

Jul 11, 2006 18:30

I just haven't really thought about updating here.  Can't really say why either.  Oh well.

The handsome equine lad Barbaro has had a major complication.  This past Saturday he underwent a surgical procedure change out the plate in his leg and clean out infection.  Its not the absolute worst thing that could have happened.  It is still extrememly serious.  Removing the plate would have disrupted part of the callus (healing bone) that had formed at the fracture site.  You don't want to have to remove hardware early and have to replace it.  I suspect Dr. Richardson didn't see any other option, especially since it was performed on Saturday night.  Unless New Bolton is different that would mean all the support staff would have to be called in on an emergency basis.   Good news is that Barbaro is resting well and the slight fever he was running has gone.  I just pray that the rest of the recovery goes smoothly.

On a happier note I went to see the new Pirates of the Carribean movie yesterday.  Big grin.  It was great.   As always there was a couple of things that I think would have been better if they had been done differently.  Isn't that pretty typical though?  The effects for Davy Jones is awesomly amazing.  The ending of the movie leads straight into the third one so it is a bit of a cliffhanger.  I'm not going to mention any more details--don't want to spoil it for anyone.  I will say that if you sit through all the credits there is a little scene at the very end.  I wouldn't mine seeing it again at the theater.

I rented Metropolis from NetFlix and watched it last night.  It is a restored version and it is so good.  There is alot of interesting history behind the movie.  It was orginally released in a longer version in Germany.  After it was pulled from the theater 6 months later a shortened version was released.  When it came to America it was royally chopped up.  I know there is complaints about what happened to the orginal Godzilla when it came to the US.  Metropolis fared worse.  Even then it is still an awesome movie.  The restored version has what scenes they could recover added back in.  There is not a complete negative of the orginal version in existence.   Roughly a quarter of the film is completely lost.  What the restorers did was go back to the musical score and the screenplay to discover what was lost.  So in several spots there is simply  text on the screen that describes what would be happening if the movie was complete.  Some elements of the plot are totally different from the old VHS copy that I have.  The mad scientist was trying to recreate the woman he loved with his mechanical man, explains alot as to why it looks like a female doesn't it?  ^_^   Joh Frederson, I guess he is best described as the main antagonist, married "Hel" and she died giving birth to the "hero" Freder.  Hmm, that throws some twists to the old plot doesn't it?  Also helps explain why Rotwang decides to ruin Frederson.  The orginal soundtrack for the movie was written specifically for it and it is very good.  It used themes for the characters and areas of the city.  This wasn't very common at all during this phase of movie making.  I really want to get a copy of the restored version.  Its a movie that you can watch over and over again.  (So long as you don't mind it being silent.)  The effects that went into it are something else too.  Several scenes a "mirror trick" was used to put a model "on top" of a full sized set.  The transition is so seamless that you can't tell where one ends and one begins.  The orginal CG.  In some ways I think the old movie makers were more talented than their modern counterparts.

And for a total change of subject.  There is a tiny little tomkitten at my house now.  He is nearly solid black and is such a sweetheart.  I think his name will end up being "Galahad".  This tiny little guy came in Saturday to be neutered from a shelter in DeQueen.  As soon as I get him out he climbs up on my shoulder and starts purring.  He keeps this up while I'm writing down the drug dosages for the cats.  Meanwhile Rachel is saying "You're going to take him home aren't you?"  Err, no I have 15 cats don't need another one....But the little guy is skinny and has pretty bad ear mites.  As it turns out he hadn't been spoken for and when I go in around noon to check on the kitties here he is at the front of the carrier and when I get him out he promptly curls up and goes to sleep purring.  So he did end up coming home with me and pretty much rode the entire 3.5 hour trip from Mena to DeValls Bluff with me and again from DVB to Beebe right with me.  The little rascal loves to sit and sleep right up against me if I'm on the computer or watching something on TV.  There are times I can hardly get anything done because he wants to be held.  He's also not eating dry food very well so a couple of times a day he gets put in the bathroom with some canned food.  This doesn't make the other cats very happy.  He seems to be doing very well though and I put a dose of kitten Revolution on him yesterday and dewormed him.  He is supposed to be 3 months old but seems awful weasily.  If his adult toothies start coming in in a couple of months I'll know his age was right.   He's a good little tom kitten.
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