OOC: Apprentices Wanted

Dec 06, 2016 14:23

So You Want To Be A Wizard Library Aide

For some reason, many of John's aides thought it was a good idea to graduate, the plonkers. Now he has to train in a new batch not to make faces when he's smoking in the library.

Yes, that's right, he has FIVE (5) library slots open, you lucky bastards. Someone's gonna fill 'em, and it better not be him.

Aides are responsible for posting the library one day a week. (If two people want to sign up as a team to cover a single day, that's coolbeans).

In IC terms, your character can have either filled out the application at some (handwavily) or be assigned via the GLORIOUS tradition of paperwork error. Either way, you need to fill out the form below and post it here for my records. If you want to apply IC, hit me up and we'll see what we can do.

Duties include shelving books, keeping the librarian caffeinated, organizing books, loaning books, wrangling books, and ensuring the sustainability of the fabric of time and space. You may be asked to handle awkward book situations, such as: dog-earred corners, sudden fangs, purple prose, books turning into animals, animals turning into books, ponies, genre-wars, revisionist history, and the ever dreaded paper cut.

Interested applicants! Copypasta the info below into the comments & fill it out IC:

Preferred Day:
Why are you interested in the position of Library Aide?
The Genre Wars have resumed, and you catch Historical Fiction attempting to put Fantasy in the trash. How do you respond?
The librarian is smoking in his office. Again. What do you do?

library, library aides, ooc

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