Latest Poem...

Aug 27, 2004 19:15

So, I was listening to The Cure and this came out...

What do we think?

Blank canvas waiting to be filled,
A mind and libido waiting to be thrilled,
I'm craving for your image to come to my head,
For your form to crawl into my bed.
I don't think I could love you more than I do,
If only I knew the real you,
Not just a faceless silhouette creeping through my mind,
But when I chase you so impossible to find.

Imaginary dates and late night talks,
Perfect sunsets and endless walks,
I'm making them all up as I go,
In reality it's all so slow,
If you'd finally be a real lover,
Maybe I wouldn't hide under the covers,
As I have my dreams about your kiss,
And those random hugs I'll always miss.

But how can I miss you without us meeting?
My thoughts of you wont soon be fleeting,
You'll always be mine...
My soulmate.
My lover.
Always true in my mind,
So easy to find.
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