Apr 26, 2011 07:57
Found a lot of negative comments about me on BORN's newer 2 tanuki threads...wow.
I guess that's what happens when I'm the one to fall at a live while Ryouga was on the bar about to stage dive and watches as people refuse to help me, except for finally one person after a while...and after the live Kifumi and Tomo post on their blogs saying that if anybody falls during lives, for fans to stick together and help each other (aka mini-bitching them out)
Guess I would get hate but seriously? Sticking to the "stinky" "scary" foreigner stereotype? Jeez...be more original?
At least some people again came to my defense and said I'm a good person who helps people immediately when they fall (I've done that, yes) and that I'm a nice person who watches around me to make sure I'm not hurting anyone. Also someone put gaikokujin = correct, gaijin = wrong.
I'm glad to have left a good impression on at least some people.
I just hope now that BORN is doing lives again, and I'm not there, that I'm not labeled a flyjin for, ya know, suddenly not appearing at lives after the earthquake. Someone already asked if anyone saw me (the fat gaijin) at the 04/09 oneman but nothing more came out of it besides a "no"