(no subject)

Mar 19, 2011 19:58

This video was recorded by a school mate of mine during the biggest earthquake on that Friday afternoon. He was in a different class a few floors up.

Look outside the window and you'll see that the building was swaying.
Look at the desk legs, you'll see that they start trying to slide across the floor.
Look at the people under the desks and how they can't stay still under the desks because the floor underneath them is shaking too hard.
and watch how when they leave, the TV is shaking violently.

Now his class did wrong and left the room while everything was still shaking. You're supposed to stay under the desk until the worst has passed THEN evacuate. Its ridiculous to think this way ne but actually in Tokyo, it IS safer inside a building than outside. There's too many buildings around that if anything were to fall, glass were to break, being outside is more dangerous.

earthquake, japan, school

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