I owe quite a ton of live reports ever since the saizen trouble don't I! Well, it'll just be shit-that-Ryouga-did-to-me live reports but still! xD;
Let's see...before the saizen trouble was
Date: Saturday, 01/22/2011
Bands: V-last/xTRIPx/UnsraW/ベルベット/BORN/SKULL
Venue: Shibuya Boxx
Capacity: 200something
Ticket number: 51
Live buddy: Jess
I had a great ticket number but no luck on trying for saizen. Jess told me she got the last spot. But whatever, I planted myself dead center 2nd row for the entire show and waited for BORN.
V-last was decent. When they came out, the vocalist tossed several sweets into the crowd and a wrapped up cookie hit me in the chest xD; I ate it after the show, it was yummy =9 The vocalist kakkate koi-ed me several times, as well as the guitarist when he got on the riser for his solo. He stuck his tongue out at me too lol, the guitarist that is. During the last song, there was a gyakudai section in the song and the vocalist reached out, grabbed my hand and pulled me to gyakudai harder. I usually gyakudai lightly because I know I weigh quite a bit but he pulled me HARD and kept reaching back to pull me again until I stopped wuss-gyakudai-ing xD; It was pretty cool.
xTRIPx was pretty good too but I was surprised at how *clears throat* unattractive the vocalist was LOL sorry ^^; but he did have a good voice. xTRIPx had a pretty neat mix of genres plus a bit of rapping o.O; I keep forgetting to find their music xD;
UnsraW was next, I let a few people switch spaces with me during this set since they wanted to be in the middle. Yuuki is nuts and tries to drown people with the water from his water bottle xD; and hey, if they're into that, they can take my spot. I got it back after that set so no worries ^_~
ベルベット was next and I liked their set. This show was pretty good. I wasn't chanting too hard for people to get off the stage and let BORN on xD!
BORN was 2nd to last. I don't remember the setlist anymore =P but hmm...Shibuya Boxx had a bit of a gap and it seems Ryouga didn't feel it safe to just toss himself on us like he's done a couple of time so he figured he'd hold onto me to ease himself over us ^^; The first time he grabbed my hand and used it to pull himself over us. He didn't let go the entire time and squeezed hard so he didn't drift away from me ^_^ When he got pushed back towards the stage, because there was a bit of a gap, he almost fell but I quickly leaned over since there that gap between saizen and struggled to lift him, since I was pretty much the only person doing anything, until his feet got back onto the stage, then I pushed his back up and forward so he could regain his balance to get him fully back on the stage xD; You'd think after that happened he wouldn't jump again, but I guess since I'm there *SHOT* he figured I'd AGAIN find a way to get him back on the stage no matter what. *snort* So again he used me to pull himself over us. Except he didn't grab my hand, he wrapped his arm around my neck x//D He suddenly got pulled towards the left and was again, falling a bit but he hugged my neck harder to pull himself back towards me and stay with me. and yes, it hurt ^^; but whatever. So I indulged his need to stagedive for a bit and finally pushed him back to the stage.
I left after BORN so I didn't see SKULL.