Because I practically blew my load earlier when DELUHI announced fall tour dates (xD;) here is the list of shows I've been keeping in my plans folder.
and yes, I'm picky about capacities for my standing room shows, hence why its included in my list xD. If I'm gonna skip meals to attend a show, I'd like to get the best view possible (or bar but I think its impossible for me in Japan xDDD)
HAVE to go to shows
girugamesh - 10/23 @ Yokohama Bay Hall 4200yen+drink (1200 capacity)
DELUHI - 10/31 @ SUNPHONIX HALL in YOKOHAMA ARENA 3500yen+drink (200 capacity)
BORN - 11/7 @ O-WEST 3500yen+drink (600 capacity)
Maybe, depending on funds
-OZ- / ν[NEU] / Para:noir / ZUCK / SCREW / BORN - 10/02 @Takadanobaba AREA 3000yen+drink (400 capacity)
DELUHI - 11/13 @ Saitama HEAVEN'S ROCK Saitama New Urban Center VJ-3 3500yen+drink (400 capacity)
DELUHI - 11/20 @ HEAVEN'S ROCK Kumagaya VJ-1 3500yen+drink (350 capacity)
Edit: Never mind about that Kumagaya DELUHI show. I just google mapped it xD; I dragged my butt over to Maebashi, Gunma for an RRII GACKT show last time and got stranded because of the trains. Kumagaya is a bit more than halfway over to Maeshabi, I can't risk it xD; Sure its on a Saturday night but I'm most likely going to DELUHI shows alone so....^^;
Editx2: FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK DELUHI lottery presales started yesterday! *emails muku*
You guys who pay attention to my nerdy music posts KNOW how long I've been dying to see DELUHI live. If I can get tickets, this will totally make up for missing D'espa (which I AM getting a refund for btw =D!)
Editx3!: Damn, I think the presale is actually for DELUHI mobile website members only. *grumbles*
DELUHIオフィシャル携帯サイトのモバイル会員限定の優先予約となります! <GET TICKET先行予約(PC・携帯共通)> Editx4!!! amaia said I can order so I poked muku and yep, he's gonna order the Yokohama and Saitama shows for me. xD;; I'm so scared of seeing the total after the exchange rate >_< but...but...ITS DELUHI! *FLAIL*