New colouring style, old OC.
Hate the friggin' shorts and shoes. Burn in hell you buggers! Allez a l'enfer! Bruler a l'enfer!
And Yousuke's bag, because I'm a dork, I only put magic in for practice. An' I don't like it.
I'm going to go and eat cheese now. That'll be nice.
In other news:
Went to cinema in Bergerac and suggested we watch Wall Street..a film in a foreign language sans subtitles...all based around talking......
And I understood it! *HAPPY DANCE*
Parental figure threw out her back yesterday and woke me up by saying she would never recover from this and how she didn't love me as much because I must hate her. Turns out she was delirious from the pain, luckily she is now drugged! All fixed! XD
Finally, had two North Carolinan ladies for lunch. We got to talking and I now have their addresses and a place to stay/work if I want to visit next year. They also think they found me a husband and they're bringing him next time, a blind date *snrk yukiko laugh*. If only the lady hadn't mentionned how old-school Republic and anti-socilist she was (which apparently means ant-Obama aswell, she did not like his 'CHANGE'! - What a pity.) Annnnnyway, should be fun, apparently he's a heir to a Chateau, lots of old money and etc...*laughs* you can't make this stuff up can you? They were very nice though.
Next 2 weeks should prove amusing, I'll keep you updated about heir-dude. I am basically a prostitue for food afterall.