So a while back, when my friend Bryan Thomas Schmidt's Kickstarter for the Raygun Chronicles SF anthology was struggling, I announced that IF the project hit full funding in the final 24 hours of the campaign, I would record myself singing a Justin Bieber song.
I was originally intending just playing the song on low on the laptop and singing along with the webcam on. Then there was some talk of getting the Hollywood Ending guys to help me out, but that timing fell through before it really even went anywhere.
So tonight (Good Friday), I got together with my good friends Darrell Long and Barry Mangione, of the band The Dalliance. We used a Karaoke version of the instruments, but all of the lead vocals are me (with effects engineering by Darrell), the backing vocals are by Barry and Darrell, and the rap is Darrell, aka Floopjack, or as we like to call him, "Dicki Minaj." There are a few Hollywood Ending shout-outs and visual references, if you know what to look for.
Here's the video, for those of you who don't have Facebook:
Click to view