I've talked about my friends The Dalliance, a great band I've had the pleasure of knowing 2/3rds of since high school. All three members are close friends. The member I didn't grow up with, Barry Mangione, has not only become a close friend, he's become a bit of an inspiration to me. He's had some dark times, and he's pulled himself up. He's shared some of that journey through the music of The Dalliance, but now he's approaching telling his story with a different sort of project.
Apply The GRAFT is meant to be an acoustic stage performance of nine songs that chronicle how Barry hit rock bottom, and how he found his way back to mental health. It's a fascinating story, and the structure of the project itself is, I think, innovative: live performance mixed with pre-recorded video and the opportunity for the theater audience to become a part of the way the story is told, through the use of social media.
Barry started a Kickstarter for it a couple of weeks ago. It does have a hefty goal, $10,000. And the way Kickstarter works, the project fully funds or the artist gets nothing. To say that Barry's project is moving slowly is an understatement.
But here's the thing: I believe in this, perhaps more than I've believed in any Kickstarter I've promoted anywhere (here, Twitter, Facebook, www.anthonycardno.com). If Amanda Palmer can raise millions for a studio album; if book projects can go from 75% to 100% funded in the final hour of a campaign ... this project should fund. But I need help spreading the word.
Maybe interactive acoustic performances aren't your thing. That's fine. Maybe your budget is too tight. That's fine. Spread the word anyway -- signal-boost for me. Get it out there. Help me help my friend Barry get this thing off the ground.
If you want more detail before signal-boosting, I interview Barry about the project
There's also the project website
You can follow
@barrymangione and
@applythegraft and ask the creator questions directly. He'll respond, promise.
And most importantly, here's the link for the
GRAFT Kickstarter.
Thanks in advance to anyone who helps out.
copperbadge I know we haven't chatted in ages. Would you mind adding this Kickstarter to your weekly signal-boost post? I'd appreciate it!