catching up again

Feb 10, 2013 01:20

So first things first, there's a new interview up on my site with my young friend Anthony Gargiula. Check it out.

I ended up with an extra day in Orlando. Rather than take a chance that my flight would be cancelled today due to northeast weather and that I'd be stranded here (thus missing my next scheduled teaching day, in PA on Tuesday), I took United up on their free rescheduling offer. So I'm flying home tomorrow. Not a direct flight, sadly. Layover for an hour in Chicago. And getting home late enough that I'll be missing this week's Once Upon A Time (thankfully, it is dvr'ing).  I should get a good batch of reading and writing done between two flights and several hours in the airports.

I am struggling, still, with the story I originally thought I was going to submit to mroctober's POE anthology, and which just a few days ago thought I'd submit to Ellen Datlow's open call instead. I just can't get it to work out. I thought it was a problem simply with internal chronology, but even with that fix it doesn't seem to be working. I may have to just set it aside completely, move it to the "incomplete projects" list, and get moving on something else before I get so bogged down that I stall on writing completely ... a problem I've dealt with in the past.  It's so easy to let the pendulum swing from the high of selling "Chasing Satellites" to the low of "I'm crap at this."  Must fight that swing.

I'm going to try to catch up on story reviews over on 365shortstories tonight, and I'm still a book review behind. That's largely because I'm really not sure what to say about Virginia Woolf's Orlando.

This two weeks has flown by, and I'm sure next week will too. I drive to south-of-Philly on Monday, for a one day class on Tuesday, then drive home Weds. Thurs starts a 5 day weekend for me. I'll spend part of it in central NY with brother Jon and the family, and part of it in Beacon NY with my sister and the kids. Then back home for a week in the office.

writer's block, travel

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