I've been doing well keeping up with tv and book reviews here, and short story reviews on th
365shortstories nbsp; community, but haven't posted any kind of personal update since the 16th. Time flies!
The big news a week ago was selling "Chasing Satellites" to Bryan Thomas Schmidt for BEYOND THE SUN. Over the past week, Bryan and I have tossed a few drafts back and forth making small editorial changes (mostly in the effort to remove passive voice, along with a few typo corrections and a lost dialogue tag or two), and he now has a finalized version in his hands.
This week, I've been cooking! I got a number of kitchen appliances for Christmas: blender, coffee maker, cooking pans, and a crock pot. Tuesday was "Soup and Stew Luncheon" at work, so I decided to make use of the fresh veggies I had and the crockpot, and attempted a carrot soup. I picked up an immersion hand blender to make the pureeing easier. I made about half as much soup as I thought I did, but the reaction from co-workers was favorable. (After the requisite variations on "Holy Shit, Anthony COOKED something??" of course.) Then last night, I breaded and fried eggplant and had that for dinner with a side of spaghetti, and brought the rest for lunch today because one eggplant goes farther than I expected it would when I was slicing it. But here's the thing, internet: I FRIED STUFF AND DID NOT BURN THE HOUSE DOWN! This is a win.
I need to update the "writing projects" post, but I'll do that under separate cover. I blew one open call deadline last month.
Heating problems with the house seem to be sorted out.
I leave again for another business trip on Sunday. Two week swing, taking me from Nashville through Atlanta to Charlotte and then ending back in Orlando for the second time in a month.