I haven't signal-boosted for my musician friends in quite a while, despite all of my best intentions. (Okay, I haven't signal-boosted for my author friends either, but that will have to be a different post.) So, because my old friends The Dalliance released something new today, here we go. Links to MUSIC YOU SHOULD BE LISTENING TO! (Because I said so, that's why. Now stop asking why and finish your broccoli.)
The Dalliance's new single is up on BandCamp for free this month. Darrell, Greg, Shawn and Barry are friends of mine.
Singer-Songwriter Casey Stratton's Store, where you can buy lots of great music, including his winter/holiday albums. (He's also here on livejournal as
caseystratton .)
Singer-Songwriter Phil Putnam's Homepage, where you can buy lots of great music, and you can download the fun "I'm No Prize" single for free.
Musical-Brothers band Kropp Circle's video for their newest single "Can't Stop The Rain," because their website is in a state of flux and this way you can hear it before you go to itunes and buy it.
Singer Thomas Fiss' Website, where you can pick up his new EP in a variety of formats. Something for everyone!
I haven't signal-boosted for my musical friends in a while, although I always have the best intentions of doing it. So there we go.
And even though he's not a working musician (as far as I know), I'll once again link you to
Jordan Bean's IT GETS BETTER video because I do think it's cool.