Aug 22, 2007 14:02
So I discovered one of the downsides to office working. When you develop a migraine mid-morning, there's really no place to go to take care of it. Flourescent lights overhead, no place to lie down. On the one hand, being the only person in my department this week (other than my boss whose office is up the hall) means that the bullpen is fairly quiet; on the other hand, this cubicle is too small. The workstation surface is hard, the books are harder. I emailed my boss that I was going to lay down in my car for a while ... and before I made it out the cubicle, I vomitted ... into the garbage can, and it was mostly dry-heaves thanks to not having really eaten this morning. Once that was overwith, the pressure relieved enough that the light sensitivity went away and I was able to just kind of stretch back in my chair for a while and let the rest of the pain go away. In time for lunch, which was good since we'd ordered Chinese.
I'm feeling quite a bit better now, although there will be that lingering foggy feeling for the rest of the day.
Our HR person just came around with the tickets for tomorrow night's Sussex Skyhawks vs. New Haven Cutters game that we're going to as "employee recognition night."
Yes, I am going to a baseball game.
(I'll pause while Eric faints again ....)
Here's the funny thing. I was supposed to bring a guest. Haven't managed to find anyone to go with me. I did mention it in an email to B1, but he hasn't responded and anyway meeting for the first time surrounded by my co-workers would be just a bit odd. So our HR person mentions that my boss was out on vacation when the whole thing was organized. So I go to her office, and I knock and say "So hey there ... I have tickets to tomorrow night's big game ... wanna go?" And she's all like "well, I might be going to a movie, unless Julie decides at the last minute that she's sick again ... I'll let you know tomorrow morning." And I'm like "cool."
So I might be going on a date tomorrow night with my boss. My lesbian boss.
You just know how much mileage we're going to get out of this, right?