The Horrible Dream by Kay

Jan 04, 2007 19:27

During the journey, Pippin remembers the nightmare he had three years ago because of whom he sees...

Title: The horrible dream
Rating: PG
Plot: During the journey, Pippin remembers the nightmare he had three years ago because of whom he sees. Lyrics my Blackmore’s Night.
Starter Two: a basket of apples, a bar of soap, and a pocket watch


Peregrin Took was not sleeping well. The ground was hard and sticks kept poking him. He also had a bar of soap in his pocket, he did not know what to do about and it was very hard and smelled of Lavender, which kept him awake. However, his cousin, Meriadoc Brandybuck, had told him to try to sleep, even with everything that was keeping him wide awake. A third thing added to the mix of items to cause his insomnia. There was the smell of bacon and apples cooking. Sniffing the air, Pippin sat up and looked around. Merry and Samwise Gamgee were cooking apples and bacon together.

Hurriedly, Pippin got up and dashed over to his cousin and Sam. Dusting himself off, the young hobbit sat down. He looked at Merry as the elder hobbit took out his pocket watch. “You should be asleep. It is much too late,” he says.

“Well, you’re up too,” Pippin interjects as he looks at the basket of apples, “Where’d ya find those?”

“Down yonder,” Sam says, swallowing a bit bite of bacon, “Want some?”

“You bet,” Pippin exclaims cheerfully. The inquisitive hobbit looks around and chews on his lip. Something did not feel right. It was almost like he had been here before, but Pippin knew that he couldn’t’ve. 25 years since I woke up trembling. 25 years since that terrible dream. I could see that the world was crumbling. Nothing is ever as it seems, Pippin thinks as he takes the plate from Sam.

“Me Gaffer tol’ me a tale about this here place,” Sam began, “ ‘e said to me, ‘Sam m’ boy, there’s a place where kings once dwelled. It tain’t a safe place to be at. There are ghosts and goblins.’”

“Samwise Gamgee, you’re makin’ that up. Don’ go scaring Pip here,” Merry said, spraying bits of warm apple everywhere.

“I ain’t scared,” Pippin retorts. To prove his point, he shoves a big apple slice into his mouth.

A ghastly wind picks up. The three hobbits gulp and look at each other. Frodo Baggins comes running. “What are you doing, fools! You could get us hurt,” he exclaims. The hobbit stomps out the flames, but it is too late. There are nine. They are terrible and just how Peregrin remembers them. He stands, but that’s all he can do - it’s just like his dream. His mouth opens to call out for Aragorn, but no sound comes from his parted lips. Tried to run but my feet were frozen. Tried to scream but there was no sound. In my head voices echoing. You should know better by now. “Long ago, Far away…In the mist of yesterday,” Pippin whispers as his legs start to quiver. Instinctively, he pulls out his sword, though; he does not know how to use it.

Everything happens in slow motion. Frodo disappearing, the Wraiths going after her, Aragorn showing up - branding torches - and then the Wraiths gone - it seemed to have happened in hours, but in fact, everything was acted out in a matter of mere minutes. Pippin saw Sam and Merry bent over Frodo and Pippin could not move. “And you tried so hard to save me,” Frodo screamed, grasping Merry’s hand.

“How do you save someone from themselves? All those years, wasted wishes. Drowning in the wishing well…,” Pippin whispered in a sob. Time seems to speed up to normal and Pippin is finally able to move. He bends down beside Frodo. 25 years since I woke up trembling. 25 years since that terrible dream. I could see that the world was crumbling. Nothing is ever as it seems.
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