This is gonna gather up my AoZ-SDGF plotstuff. =3
Also, SDGF season 2 spoilers, if any of y'all care. :P
Last edited: 2006.04.13
Original Plot:
Reposted from a comment: It is post-season 2, with the Dark Axis defeated and broken up. Some, such as the Axis Trio (Zapper, Grappler and Destroyer), stayed in Ark, others stayed with the SDG (mainly a number of Zakos), a few wished to stay in Lacroa (or at least that's what my quasi-muse tells me, I have no idea why any Axis-bot would want to go back there). Many simply disappeared into the endless web of universes, and some have taken it upon themselves to continue the Axis' goals of conquest and chaos.
And so the SDG has decided to seek out these remnants. Some are defeated, some are captured, some are simply recruited; the Axis was fairly large, but after Zeong's first ignoble defeat and near-destruction at (as of yet) unknown hands -- which had prompted the Lacroan Invasion -- attention shifted away from the smaller outposts and they were effectively abandoned.
Most that stayed with the SDG did so out of a desire to stay in a military environment, but even then there was trouble integrating them with the milder Neotopians. A unit, which is at the moment nameless but is loosely equivalent to the Titans Test Team, was designated for the purpose of adapting the Axis bots to life in Neotopia. It is headed by Hazel (named by Kao Lyn, on a Watership Down streak e.e), and beyond that I'm not entirely sure what happens. :3; (Does the unit have more than the five robots that are in AoZ's Titans Test Team? Or perhaps more than one unit does integration? It would amusing to call the second unit's leader Campion..)
Hazel: Younger than most of the Axis bots he works with, but understands the Axis mindset fairly well, probably thanks to having encountered Fiver early on. Should probably stay a mid-rank officer, good at receiving and giving orders, but would be unsure as to how to coordinate a large group. Not especially coolheaded or hotheaded.
Bigwig: AKA Bandoleer Bizack. Eldest of the unit. More like Zapper or Grappler than the rest of the TTT; liked the Axis, but when he found it was gone (and didn't see any Axis remnants to hook up with) he turned to the SDG (didn't particularly like Ark).
Kehaar: AKA Assault Asshimar. Rampantly emotional, enamored with Ark's ideals. Kind of like a less-mature Bakunetsumaru. Probably tried to join Genki's Power Squad, but how'd he fall in with the SDG instead? I don't yet know. Adopted an Ark-styled name, Asshimaru. (it was too excellent a reference to pass up..)
Dandelion: AKA Rake Rosette. He was a resident malcontent on the Magna-Musai, so he got shunted off somewhere and was eventually found by the SDG (or something, this is pretty uncertain/maleable). However he got there, he's managed to fit in better than the other Axis-bots. Curious about Neotopia but you'd never get him to say it aloud.
Fiver: Acts distant from all but Hazel within the SDGF realm, but I bet he'd be very interested in the Newtype-like people on GateMUSH. Has a sarcastic bite, but knows when to be silent as well. Follows orders, doesn't give any (that is, if put in charge of a group, he'd sooner let them make their own plans). Precognitive tendencies -- range goes up to a couple hours, it's normally less. [Could be RPed as newtype-esque 'seeing the attack coming' -- could be used for some attack-misses -- and also a way to get him involved in scenage and TPs. (For if he feels that something's going to happen, he is inclined to follow it through.)]
other concepts
Since Kehaar and Dandelion are experimental orbit-to-ground transporters in AoZ, I thought it'd be nifty if it were paralleled in SDGF by one being an experimental Minovs Sea-walker (That is, a dimensional-transporter!). He'd fall under the same restrictions that apply to non-Gate travellers at GateMUSH -- they can carry smaller vehicles, or one or two others, and that's about it.
For non-multitheme version: For the TTT's enemy, there would likely be a recurring team, similar to the DA Trio.
For GateMUSH:
Tsukai-- how do you think the DA would hook up with the Terminus-networked multiverse? Did they just happened to gate there via Zakrello Gate, or found a Static Gate on Lacroa/Ark or Neotopia...?
Hazel - test pic (incomplete)Fiver/Gaplant test pic