A Most UNhappy Camper

Aug 05, 2006 19:53

I just posted the first 8 chapters of "You Were Meant To Be Mine" over at FanFiction.Net. Getting the hang of uploading to that site is a pain in the ass. Making sure I got all the details where they're supposed to be only added to my irritation. Then, because I was so busy focussing on this or that detail, I'd suddenly realize I forgot something else, I'd have to go back and redo what I'd just spent 10 minutes doing. Not the most satisfying experience, which was a bummer since I've really been looking forward to putting "Mine" out there where I could get some feedback.

Oh, I got some, all right. As if I wasn't already feeling put upon, the very first review that came in turned out to be some kind of PMS-driven rant from some raving headcase who decided to single me out as the lightning rod for every drop of her bile, angst, pent up aggression, and general discontent. This dizzy biatch had the gall to tell me she hates me and that Minekura would probably want to strangle me for presuming to create what I wrote in my story.

I'm fine with criticism. I've done my time in writer's groups. I'm fine with getting dissed. Not everybody is going to think I'm Miss Congeniality, and that's OK with me. What I'm not fine with is this kind of baseless, vicious, whacked out attack on me personally from somebody who has never met me personally and never will. This is just pure bullsh*t and I have no intention of letting it pass unremarked. I'm not silly enough to reply to this waste of space. Oh no. I'll let the nice people who read the e-mail at the ReportAbuse address deal with it. This "review" is in direct violation of the FF.Net Terms of Service under the clause about not stalking or harassing other members.

Damn. Some people need to get a grip!

harassment, abuse, ff.net

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