Fic: The Curious Incident of the Street Lamp in the Night

Apr 05, 2013 20:37

Title: The Curious Incident of the Street Lamp in the Night
Author: Talayse
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: none/ Gen
Rating: G
Warning(s): none
Genre: Adventure
Summary: If the Tardis showed up outside your door, would you notice it?

Looking back, I am still not sure what prompted me to look out the window that night. There had been no sound to alert me, no light to catch the corner of my eye, though I now wonder how it is that it arrived silently and with no light showing. Perhaps I did not know enough then to hear it. I know now.

Glancing out my window, I nearly didn't see it. Normally the view out my window was of the street lamp across the way, the house next door, a bit of garden and sidewalk. So accustomed I was to it that I had long since ceased to see it. But on this particular night of nights, a police box had--- as from nowhere--- come to rest under my street lamp. An impossible, weathered, blue police box.

That's when I knew the Doctor had come for me. I just didn't know why.

I stood at the window, staring at it, sitting so innocently under the warm lamplight, as though it was trying to project the idea that it had always been sitting there. I knew better of course, I had been researching the Doctor and his Tardis for quite some time, and knew that large, blue boxes very rarely materialize on sidewalks for no reason. Unless they are, in fact, Tardises, or one very particular Tardis in fact.

What I did not know then, as I stared down at a legend manifest, was that the Doctor had been researching me. At the time, I simply did not know what I should do. Surely, it was an odd coincidence, that blue police box under the street lamp. It could have nothing to do with me, though I had been searching, through cities and towns, and all libraries for any mention of that blue box.

No life stirred from within, the door was resolutely shut, and I knew should I try it, it would most likely be locked. No light came from within, nothing to indicate life, and yet, I knew that there was life there and that it was watching me. Inviting me to come nearer, yet I did not stir.

To take that invitation was to never look at the world the same way again, it was a door to Faerie and I may never find my way back to my own time. But to deny it was to always wonder what if. And my family knew what that meant. We knew, because a first hand account of the Doctor in the Tardis had been passed down for generations. The Doctor was our legacy and that legacy had just shown up on my very doorstep.

How could I refuse?

How could I not?

My feet took me down the stairs and out the door, until I realized that I stood across the street from the police box.

What if it were just an ordinary police box, brought back into service after decades of no use? Clearly, I needed to investigate this possibility.

I stepped out across the street, the neighbourhood oddly silent, no one about at so late an hour. I stood facing the blue door and, greatly daring, reached out a hand. The door swung open at my touch.

The door swung open at my touch.

A light came from inside, warm and welcoming. I stepped in. There really had never been any choice.

I walked into another world.

And I never looked back.

gen, fic, fic:doctor who

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