Feb 19, 2010 22:59
So, I have been aware for years that almost every cereal on the market nowadays has one of a pair of very harsh cleaning agent and strong base that we used in the power plant to control pH levels. trisodium phosphate and disodium phosphate... So I hope you don't REALLY like cheerios. I still eat the stuff, but more sparingly than I did before I noticed that. So, that cuts down on one awesome treat I used to love...
Now, I have just finished looking into something ELSE. Crap. Now I need to be more careful in the meat I eat. No way can I give up my succulent chicken and ham altogether, but I will have to do some more research on what exactly they're putting into the animals before I buy them. What's next? No more fruit? (and please, no one start telling me about pesticides and such. I already buy organic most the time).
Eh... I am beginning to rethink my desire to always live in a big city. I think moving out to a smaller town where I can grow a lot of my own fruits, grains, and vegetables is definitely an interesting idea... Maybe I'll major or minor in agriculture of some sort.
Also, I am beginning to question the WHY's of my life more and more...
WHY do I think the way I do? More interestingly, why is it that most people DON'T? I used to think my mom was like me, that she could step back and dissect any subject rationally and objectively, without letting emotions getting involved (unless they needed to be, as in inter-personal relationships). But she isn't, and no one else I know is truly like that all of the time. I think I have a good idea of why I can do so, and it makes me sad that more schools don't require the frequent reading of science fiction and fantasy novels. The great authors in those genres do the same thing that I do, and do it much more creatively and articulately than I ever could. They set the example that I have set as my ideal, and in this one instance, I think I have truly achieved my ideal state of being. There are only 2-3 issues/topics that I am not capable of applying this ability to, and honestly, I would never want to.
WHY do I almost always feel alone and isolated, even when surrounded by people I know enjoy my company and consider me a friend? This one is even simpler to answer, but knowing the cause does not allow me to shake the emotions, in this case. The simple answer is that I do not connect with anyone who cannot discuss the same ideas that constantly float in my head without rancor or bias. And what's worse is that most people are not even aware that they ARE biased. Even when I AM biased, I KNOW that I am. I have even joked about the phenom in the past.
There are many other WHY's floating in my head, but I think that most of them can be answered by a single cause: Self awareness, or the lack thereof. I am still only begun on my path to complete self awareness, but already the distance I have traveled has opened my eyes to the utter lack of it in everyone around me.
I am saddened today by this. I wish there was a way for me to wake everyone up, but it isn't possible.
Heh... this post definitely comes off as a bit pompous, doesn't it? Oh well. I truly do not consider myself to be better than any one else, just because I am a bit more self aware than average. We are all gods... Some of us are just cognizant of that fact, while others are not.