Aug 01, 2008 16:18
And now, 100 things you never wanted to know about me!
100 things about me
1)What is one thing you would love to happen tomorrow?
I wake up in my own house with lovely, tasteful decor and find a ton of
orders from prismatic phoenix in my inbox and I never have to work again!
2) Who is the 4th text message in your inbox from?
Cylia, who probably wants something. (like a free reading. Moocher)
3) Do you bite your fingernails?
Only when I'm thinking really hard because I'm stuck on something.
4) Do you like Mexican food?
Mostly yeah, it's yummy. and I could kill for some hacienda right now.
5) Did anyone keep something from you?
yeah, all the time. Nevi even made me sign for a package that had my b-
day presents in it and kept it from me for like a month!
6) What do you watch a lot of the time
anime. anime. anime. scary vids of dudes wanking thier non-existant
cocks. anime. and decorating & reality shows, though mostly I'm just
listening cuz I'm working.
7) Are you hungry?
no just yet, but give me time.
8) Do you like your mom or your dad more?
that's complicated. I liked my dad more when I was younger, and then it
was my mom in my teen years and as soon as I became an adult, I found out
that they were bigots, hypocrites and pretty much all around assholes and
haven't even spoken to them in probably 4 years now.
9) Are you tanned
I have just a touch of a tan on my 'driving arm', you know the one that
hangs out the window as I tool around in my little red car. but mostly
I'm pale and can't tan very well at all. I didn't get any of the good
genes, like the Native American ones would have been nice! Long black
hair, dark mysterious eyes and pretty tanning skin. *sigh* what a hot one
I'd be then! But no, I got all the pale ass English & German blood.
10) Do you have unlimited texting?
no, unless you count that I figured out how to text people over my IM,
that shits free.
11) What are you looking forward to in the next month?
road trip to get Meggs, duh!
12) Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
Yeah but I think I might dye it green.
13) Everything happens for a reason?
I totally believe that, but sometimes it's so hard to understand why
sometimes for years. I read pathways and even I have a hard time with
the whys of it all.
14) When is the last time you talked to number 1 on your top friends?
not sure who's got top billing, but I'm sure it was recently.
15) Do you live with both of your parents?
nope, and NEVER will again. though as far as I know they still live
16) Do you think too much or too little?
I guess sometimes it's a little of both, but I'm mostly not thinking
about anything important. usually it's about a story I want to be
18) What happened at 10:00 am yesterday??
pretty sure I was still sleeping, so if anything happened, I wouldn't
know about it.
19) Is your family just a bundle of fun?
The people I call Family are great! all kinds of fun.
20) How many hours did you sleep last night?
about 6 or so
21) Who was the last text message you received from?
definitely Tabi
22) Does anyone call you babe?
not if they want to live.
23) What was the highlight of this week?
Hitting my work goal and finding out that I can do Loober again next
month! (easy money anyone! lol)
24) Your best friend dies, what do you do?
cry and cry and cry. if there is an option of bringing her back, I would
take it. (don't tell the Millenium Earl!!)
25) Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
yeah, I've already got some in.
26) Do you have any concerns?
I am always concerned about my Family. I wonder if they're eating right,
are they lonely, do they need me. Thank the Source I'm just psychic
enough to pick up on the answers and usually that makes me feel better.
(Tabi is never eating right though. Have to work on that.)
27) Where is your sister right now?
probably getting knocked up again or delivering her newest welfare baby.
but if you mean my spiritual sisters, then one is on her way over, I
think and the other is, well I don't really know, but I feel that she is
28) Do you want someone back in your life?
I sometimes long for people to come back but I just don't think that I
could handle them. And I have reconnected with an old friend recently
only to find that he's become somthing I never thought he'd be and it's
messed me up.
29) Would your parents be mad if you came home smashed?
Yeah, I think that if I showed up drunk at my parents' house I might get
a good telling off! I don't need that.
30) What jewelry are you wearing?
nothing yet, haven't picked anything out.
32) Do you drink tea?
almost constantly. hot, iced and about every flavor I can find.
33) Have you ever wanted something you couldnt have?
Well, yeah. But I'm still living and I get most things I want, so can't
34) Have you ever in any way, been betrayed by someone you trust?
I don't even have the time to get into this. Why do you think I'm such a
jaded bitch?
35) Where is your number one?
my number one what? like friend, most important person in my life?
Attached to me 24-7 like one of those cuddle monkey toys you used to be
able to buy.
36) Why are you single?
I'm singular, but totally attached. (see #35, lol)
37) What's the greatest thing that happened to you today?
I got to wake up next to my baby and kiss her naked body.
38) How many TRUE friends do you have that you can tell anything to?
I don't have a number or a list of names, but definitely more than I did
when the year started, and that is winz!
39) Have you shaved your legs in the past 3 days
can't be arsed to do it. Never wear anything that shows my legs anyway.
40) Would you rather get up early or sleep in?
I don't care, as long as I get enough sleep, I'm golden.
41) Tell me about the shirt you're wearing?
hot pink sleevless, says "Plays Rough" in cool rock-goth letters. used to
42) Has a guy ever called you babe/baby?
sometimes Nevi will, but mostly only when I am sick or feeling bad.
Otherwise, he might die. *grrrr*
43) What would you change about your life right now?
Can I add a few more hours to the day? Lol. Actually, I am acting on
making the changes now, and that's just awesome.
45) What's on your bedroom floor right now?
Bedroom? what is bedroom? around the bed is dirty socks and some random
candy wrappers (But I will clean it!)
46) Whats currently bothering you?
nothing really, just wanting more time.
47) Are your toe nails painted pink?
ew, no.
48) What was the first thing you did when you woke up?
checked my LJ (after kissing Nevi and going potty)
49) What do you currently hear?
Seth texting.
50) Who was the last person to make you mad?
probably me. if not Mike.
51) Has a guy put their arm around you in the past 5 days?
yeah, I have physical friends.
52) When was the last time you had your hair cut?
it's been a few months since I took the scissors to it in the bathroom.
And it's getting crazy. I need to do it again.
53) Would you rather be mad or sad?
probably sad, because mad eats me up inside and makes me crash out.
54) Has someone ever called you beautiful?
yeah, A few people, but I don't really believe them usually.
55) Does it take a lot to make you cry?
sometimes I just can't cry no matter how much I want to. I'm very stoic.
56) Will you be in a relationship in 4 months?
God, I hope so! Why? do you think Nevi is leaving me?
57) Are you close with your mom?
not at all, I used to think that I was, and found out that it was all
just pretend.
58) When were you last outside?
just a bit ago to run Mikey to work, about to go shopping too.
59) Name one fear you have?
hmm, I don't have many and the ones I do have are... odd. Like falling
off the edge of the bed.
61) Does the thought of marriage scare you?
not really. for the most part, the institute of marriage actually
disgusts me most of the time.
62) Is your bra pink?
black with lace and ribbons.
63) How many kids do you want?
ugh, I hate the little bastards. Let's just not, okay?
64) What's your favorite color to wear?
black, red, purple, sometimes green.
65) Who was the last person in your bedroom?
no bedroom to keep them out of.
67) Do you think chad michael murray is cute?
who? I don't even care if I don't know who he is.
68) Do you get bored easily?
I get really twitchy sometimes if I sit still too long. so I am usually
playing with a deck of cards while I'm sitting and watching telly.
69) What's something that someone can do that really bothers you
not listen to me when I am trying to tell them something important --
usually in a reading or something.
70) Do you wish you were famous?
I wouldn't mind. But I will just settle for happy.
71) Do you straighten your hair often?
I don't think about it if I can help it.
72) Do you want a boyfriend/girlfriend?
totally gots me a killer cute uke. don't need another.
73) Is there a hair tie on your wrist?
and why would I do that? my wrist isn't that hairy.
74) Whos the 8th text message you received from?
probably seth, or it could be cylia wanting something (she is fails)
75) What's your favorite song at the moment?
into the ocean - blue october, but tomorrow it'll be different. Hell in
an hour it will probably be different.
76) Do you like going to the mall to shop or just shopping online?
Mall is fails. Full of clothes for skinny bitches and 50 shoe stores
that all have the same shoes. I like online, I can buy anything online!
77) Can music affect your mood?
sure can, and sometimes that's just what I want!
78) How late did you stay up last night and why?
around 3am, because I was working til 2 and had to check my LJ and email
before bed! probably would have stayed up later if I didn't have to work
at 11 this morning.
79) What was the first thing you thought when you got up?
is it ten already? fuck.
80) Who were you with Friday night?
Nevi. like always.
82) What were you doing this morning at 7am?
83) What radio station do you listen to the most:
the bear (103.9fm) or hayhouse radio online
84) Where is your father?
fuck if I know.
86) What high school did/do/will you attend?
LaPorte High School.
87) Who was the last person you talked to last night before bed?
Nevi, kissed me and said goodnight.
88) Is there anything that you are craving right now?
yeah, but I have to work soon, so I can't lock myself in the closet with
the laptop and write for 3 days straight. But I should.
89) Have you ever started a sentence with "No offense, but...?
obviously, you have never had me read the cards for you!
90) Have you ever been in jail?
not on purpose.
91) Have you ridden in someone else's car today?
nope. haven't even got out of my desk chair since I woke up.
92) Have you made a mistake this past week?
probably yeah, but I'm so awesome no one will tell me.
93) Are you happy?
94) What was the last movie you saw?
does watching anime dvds count? um, movie? probably Death to Smoochy that
we watched a couple weeks ago.
95) What do you need to be doing right now?
getting ready to log back in to work.
96) Who do you hate?
people who ask dumb questions.
97) What did you wear to bed last night?
98) Has anyone got on your nerves lately?
see answer 96. actually no, not really. Some of the people I work with
need to be slapped but that's all.
99) Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
I hope so, but it's not looking good. it's going to take a major
political shift to make that happen.
100) Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
I used to go to school with a girl with my name, but right now, I don't
know anyone. Couple famous people have it though, a writer is the only
one who comes to mind.
about me,