Besides workign on the stories for the meme that's going around (makes it sound like a disease!), I have been diligently pulling my soul and mind together to create the place for us to do what we have always wanted to. Make money being ourselves! How very exciting! I have to upload a few more things to the space but now there is an official LJ with official stuff in it for our studio, Prismatic Phoenix! \o/
I am by no means saying that all my friends should run and join but I would really like to have anyone who likes it or thinks that it's cool join, and pimp it to your friends. I don't have much posted as of right now, but I think that in the coming months, it's going to grow and grow until it's just about bursting with cool merch and interesting services!
Some of the things that we are hoping to have on there are: custom stationary, handmade journals, Tarot readings, t-shirts, art prints, wood worked boxes (and other pieces), hand made jewelry, life-coaching sessions and a lot more! so check it out if you have a chance.
oh and the link!