Okay I haven't done this in along time so here's more of my story

May 21, 2005 12:20

Lorinwen was able to leave to go back to her home. She was greeted by her children. All happy to see her. Legolas was the happiest of them all. He had barley spent any time with his wife before and after his journey. Now he would not be able to because of Galenien. She need so much care that she would need much of her mother’s attention. He considered hiring someone to take care of Galenien for them, but he knew Lorinwen would not agree to it. He would have to wait till Galenien was older.
Lothien was jealous of all the attention Galenien was getting from her mother and new father. She use to get all of her mother’s attention and Astald would get most of her fathers’. But know most of the attention was directed to Galenien. Lothien declared herself to watch over Astald. Her mother and father loved to watch this little five year old watch over her younger brother.
Lorinwen was glad to have Legolas back. She had missed him during the time he was gone. One night after she had sent the children to bed she was able to have time with Legolas. They sat together just talking. She was glad to be back in his arms. After a while Galenien started to cry. Lorinwen was about to stand up, but Legolas did first.
“Let me get her,” he said, “you have done enough for today.”
He went to get her and brought her back out. He set her in Lorinwen’s arms.
“Car ú nalla an le sí na lîn ada a lîn nana.” (do not cry for you are here with your daddy and your mummy) she said to her crying daughter.
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