Evil cackle

Apr 11, 2005 15:15

Today is a day.....for me. My empathy is trying to eat me alive today! So don’t try to bother me with anything difficult because I love you all but....I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL!

Really it’s not usually this, and i usually try to make time for all my friends successfully, but man, I feel like I have a muse attached to my back with mace in hand. Yelling and screaming at me to do this, make time for that, personal time is bad time, pull out creativity, and be not afraid of the whole fucking world.

Ok, so here’s something that has been bothering me for quite some time: I use to be really, really outgoing and crazy. It seems like I’m just in a black hole anymore. All I do constantly is find new interesting music and search on the web for various historical tidbits or really strange info that I would prolly never need to use unless WWIII came like tomorrow. Has anyone noticed this change from fun to depressing? i mean no one says anything to me. maybe I just don’t have normal human conversation enough.
I NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS PERSONAL HOLE!...it’s getting old, and summer is now on the horizon and I don’t know what to do to feel like my normal crazy self again. The girl who always went first into the black hole because no one else would and always came out alive.
Dear god! Is this something like a midlife crisis???? I’m only about to turn 21 for Christ sake! I’m fucked.
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