I'm not a burden that anyone should bear.

Jun 12, 2007 23:15

This is a long entry but bear with me ( Read more... )

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Fuck you buddy ext_41563 June 14 2007, 18:04:23 UTC
You stupid ungrateful sorry sack of shit.

I don't talk about your god so do not talk about mine!

I didn't know Maynard owe'd you anything! Did he promise you could be on the next DVD because you're so OGT?! It's not enough that he performed? And then you bitch you asswipe, you bitch that you went to a concert and the songs which I can only assume you've heard before are too long?! Filler?! Filler?!!

Do not ever say "If I was Maynard"!!! You're not Maynard, which is why Tool's so great. If you were Maynard, then Tool would have fell apart when the other band members quit showing up for your tone deaf sessions to practice 2 chord exercises in mediocrity.

You don't even know what Hooker with a Penis is about, which is amazing because it's spelled out for the dumbshit it was written about! My god, you are even more dumb than the guy in the song! APC is a waste of Maynard's time. I am glad that Maynard is done with it. It was nothing compared to Tool so don't even compare them.

You admit that you're so stupid you can't even find your way home.. and then you still try to toss in your two cents like you haven't already forfeited that right!

You're the reason Maynard doesn't want people looking at his lyrics! You!

The first ep came out in '92.. I am fairly confident Maynard was not attending church at the time. Let us not forget the name of the EP Opiate, as in religion is the opiate of the masses. Do you think before you talk or does every half baked sludge of a thought slide right out for the world's indulgence?

You aren't even funny.

46 and 2 is a beautiful song about philosophy and improving! How do you even just assume its his age?! "Oh it's two numbers that add up to an age most humans reach, that must be how old he is!" Maynard is 43, not 48. It's a miracle you can count.


You stupid, stupid waste of life.


Tool has already written new songs, and after finishing up their tour this year and taking a vacation, they're recording their next album. A far cry from being dead.



Re: Fuck you buddy theinbreakable June 14 2007, 18:26:30 UTC
Oh, this will be fun.

"then Tool would have fell apart"
Fallen. Tool would have fallen apart.

"APC is a waste of Maynard's time. I am glad that Maynard is done with it."
Incorrect tense in the first sentence. If he is finished with it then it *was* (not is) a waste of his time.

"It was nothing compared to Tool so don't even compare them."
You realize you yourself just compated the two.

"You're the reason Maynard doesn't want people looking at his lyrics! You!"
If he doesn't want people looking at his lyrics then he probably should not publish them in the CD booklets, eh? Infact, he should not even sing them, because invariably people will scribe them down and *gasp* look at them! Oh no!

"Do you think before you talk or does every half baked sludge of a thought slide right out for the world's indulgence?"
One could ask you that very same question.

"You aren't even funny."
And you think you are? Now *that* is funny.

"You stupid, stupid waste of life."
Takes one to know one, friend.

This is structured like a sentence, but has no "?". Additionally, your use of capital letters in the surrounding statements would indicate an intensity of emotion that would warrent exclamation points, not periods, to end your sentences.

You assert multiple times what his songs are or are not about, last I checked you did not author them, as such, unless you are getting these ideas directly from the author, you have no more right than Mr. Kalon here to say what they are or are not about.

Again, you assert factual information about a person who is not you nor do you know in a personal capacity. Your claims have no more creedance than the ones you dispute.


Re: Fuck you buddy tal_kalon June 16 2007, 19:52:20 UTC

Hey I have every right to speak the truth about Tool! I read up on them on Wikipedia! They're overrated, shallow AND pedantic.

- John


Re: Fuck you buddy ext_41563 June 22 2007, 03:36:34 UTC

OH OH. Is that so? Wikipedia. Well then, my bad. You are truly an expert then. Had I known I was arguing with someone who had read Wikipedia - that bastion of unquestionably truth based knowledge, center of esteemed cultural learning, and intellectual empire of information - I would have put up my hands and surrendered.

You fucking twit. Your arrogance is only matched by your ignorance.

Do you even know what pedantic means? Or shallow ? Do you even know what every means?


Re: Fuck you buddy rhiannonraine June 23 2007, 18:03:13 UTC
LOL @ your description of wikipedia.

Does anyone know what pedantic means?


Re: Fuck you buddy darthfelis June 24 2007, 01:31:06 UTC
Pedantic (noun)

See John Wetzel

It's okay John, It's a good thing!


Re: Fuck you buddy ext_41563 June 22 2007, 04:27:02 UTC

Oh, this will be fun.

Who the fuck are you? Why are you even in this? Got a crush on John and just have to defend his stupidity? Maybe you're his gay english teacher and just loves his little students so much. Bring them candy.. invite them to go to the bathroom with you. That's what you sound like. And if its not, well, hell, maybe it will be you in a few years. How do I know you're gay? Lets look at your journal. This is just your first page, mind you, and only the open stuff that you are actually okay with the world seeing. You mention "My Fair Lady" and some gay shit about being as bold as a fly. It's not looking too good there stud. By the way you are a total nerd. Seriously. You are.

So let's have some fun, since you're so anal. Now don't break out the lubricant just yet, I know you're excited.

Your a fuckin prick. So superfical. You correct people's grammer instead of focusing on the actual argument. Your a faggot. Tool doesn't put it's lyrics in there cd booklets. But you just charge in citing grammer violations as though it mattered. Retard. Lets see you listen to Tool and write down all the lyrics with no problems. I bet you can't.

And I bet that irks you.

You know I guess everyone could ask everyone if they thought before they spoke, but you know, it really applies to that guy, and you too it seems. You're getting on to me when your USERNAME is theinbreakable. Spare me. You forfeited all right to every try to correct me dickwad. Fucking hypocrite. That makes you the dumbest of all.

I never said I thought I was funny. Where are you reading this because I want to know. Copy and paste where I said "Now that's funny!" or "I'm so clever, tee fucking hee" because I just don't remember it. BTW, gay teachers who who molest their students arn't funny. It's not cool. They also have a dry sense of humor and like the Lord of the Rings entirely too much. Do you like the Lord of the Rings a little too much?? You can admit it now. Come out of the closet.

How do you wrap up your little defense of your booty buddy? You get all hot under the collar because of a question mark and you say "It takes one to know one." On man. So your friend IS a waste of life. And you know this. Because it takes one to know one. You will have to do better if you expect to ride in here on that high brow horse of yours and clean the world of faulty grammar. Work on substance before style or you're a sham. A gay english teacher trying to pose as straight.

Heres the thing: I don't care if I make a mistake writing in someone else's journal. I'm not sweating it. I don't look half as bad as this dipshit.

Again, you are a prick who asserts his gay ass in the middle of something he has no business in about a subject you know nothing about. You offer editing instead of anything of actual use. Go the fuck away. You are refuge; you are unwanted. Go back to pretending you're Dildo Baggins with your other gay friends.



Re: I broke my keyboard when I read this. theinbreakable June 22 2007, 12:01:56 UTC
First of all, I would like to congratulate you on taking 8 days to come up with a reply. You're a very swift thinker, which is reinforced by your constant use of childish insults.

No actual rebuttal to any of my points. You lose.

To what little actual content there is to this aside from some mindless drivle about my sexual orientation, or some middle-school name-calling (and may I be the first to say, "Grow up.") None of my entries are friends-only. Unlike some people, I don't feel the need to hide from people like you.

If you've ever actaully seen My Fair Lady, you would realize how ignorant that comment is. Audry Hepburn was a stunning woman. If you had as literary a mind as you think you do you would realize that the simile "bold as a fly" is a very interesting comparison to make.

Also, my first entries are indeed more meaningful than your whining and complaining about how horrible your life is, you wretched little child; as Professor Higgins said if you can't appriciate what you've got you'd better get what you can appriciate. Rationalize all you want; you are in your position because you refuse to change it. Enjoy your misery, I'm sure you must.

Grammar and diction do matter, interview for any meaningful job speaking like some guttersnipe.

I wouldn't listen to Tool if someone paid me. I have more respect for my ears than that.

You do realize "inbreakable" while not used is no less proper than "unbreakable" which was already taken. I'm quite surprised, with all the "Emo /wrists (read it aloud. "Slash-Wrists", there you go)" children like yoruself running around you were able to get "Forlorned". Poor darling.

I despise Lord of the Rings. Partly because of its rediculous popularity among people who are too lazy to read the books, and partly because if you're going to make 3 extremely long movies you don't cut out parts like Tom Bombadil, but I'm sure you have no idea who he is (gogo www.wikipedia.org I even linked it for you, arn't I nice?).

Oh, the best of all. The inevitable "I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I?". Try again sport, I'm above that nonsense.

I am refuge indeed, you ignorant hick. Do YOU even think before you speak?

1. shelter or protection from danger, trouble, etc.: to take refuge from a storm.
2. a place of shelter, protection, or safety.
3. anything to which one has recourse for aid, relief, or escape.
-verb (used with object)
4. Archaic. to afford refuge to.
-verb (used without object)
5. Archaic. to take refuge.

Thank you, come again, and this time, let's try to come up with a more cohearant reply in less than 8 days.

Take a hint from the name which you reidicule. It'll take more than you to break me, child.


Re: Fuck you buddy darthfelis June 23 2007, 01:49:26 UTC
Dude... Tool sucks...

Now, cut your hair, get a job, and become a contributing member of society!

Either that, or stop sucking up all of my oxygen!


Re: Fuck you buddy tal_kalon June 16 2007, 19:37:23 UTC

Woah ho! Someone's got their panties in a knot!

Dude calm down, it's just music!

For like fifty bucks a ticket, yeah he owed me a couple jokes, maybe a cover song or too, and he should have taken requests : )

Haha.. All I'm saying is if I were Maynard, I would have had a better set list, opening with a little more umph and originality, ya know. Maynard's so old now he's starting to fail to impress. Opening with Jambi. Lame.

And you know, I'm not the only one who thinks the songs might drone on a little too long.

This is an excert Amazon.com's review of the their new album, 10,000 days:

"With a majority of the songs on 10,000 Days clocking in well past the seven-minute mark, you wouldn't be entirely mistaken in thinking that the title of the album refers to how long it actually takes to make it through the whole thing."

One day Maynard is just gonna fall asleep on stage waiting for the next part where he sings. And one of his band members will probably kick him in time.


You're so right.. I only know what Maynard sold me. Thank God I only paid for APC, I just download Tool : D Whew.

Maynard doesn't want people looking at his lyrics because then they'd know it was crap. Duh.

Hey the APC songs were written like 10 years before Maynard ever worked to record them, who's to say that the Tool EP wasn't written while Maynard was a tike in the church choir? HMM? You need to brush up on your Toology ...Toolology... take your pick.

Well obviously in 46 and 2 Maynard is just hoping to make it to that age. He's very old and I guess he's just hoping to see 48, which is pretty freaking old for a rock star. See what I'm saying? He's trying to stay positive like "I can do this. I just have to be very careful dancing so I don't throw out my back or break my hip."

He's getting old and wrinkly, so of course his shadow is too. And that's why he HIDES in the shadows, so people can't see the wrinkles. As far as the rumors that Maynard is spreading about new material, I imagine that it's just left over APC stuff from before, or maybe he just split Rosetta Stoned into 2 parts so he'd have something for the next record. Hey, maybe he'll play Jambi backwards on the next record, how about that Chad? : D You should listen to APC Chaaad!

- John


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