I've updated twice in one day! ZOMG THE WORLD IS ENDING!

Jan 28, 2008 15:01

I was perusing arkyandragon's response to my earlier Meme and one thing jumped out at me:

"14. Do you miss being a child?
No. There are specific aspects I occasionally miss, but not in general."

And I realized that there is an aspects of my childhood that I miss. And as can be expected from me they involve my favorite holiday and my tangentially to my wife's favorite holiday.

I miss the 'cool' creepy feeling of Halloween. For most of my childhood Halloween felt like a magical night filled with demons and dames, skeletons and sorcerers. A night where it truly felt like the great divide between the world of the living and the dead truly were a hands breadth apart. I miss that creepy atmosphere but am perversely glad that I create that atmosphere for the kids that live in my neighborhood with my display. As I have said many a time to kids that have come up to my house with a scared look on their face - "Its safe to be here. It looks scary but nothing is going to jump out and get you. Its just for looks and feel."

I also miss believing in Santa Clause and while I'm able to live vicariously through my daughter's enjoyment of the myth I don't look forward to when she stops believing in him. This is despite the best efforts of some kids in her class (seriously wtf? - isn't second grade a little early to be knocking away that favorite myth)?

Anyway just some random thoughts...
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