Errr well south-east more than east. Southish. And A little eastish. Yar right know Blackrock Mountain. Where last night the Avarice Alliance, despite server crashes, pwn'd the place in one evening (I think sub four hours in fact). Ace slapped me into the DPS role for much of the evening allowing me to see just what I could do when damage is my game. It was a wonderful evening full of jokes and carrying on and at the end of it I was 10th in the damage meters overall and the top warrior. This is despite me having to tank on Vael and against Nefarion's minions during the fight. I also came out of it with Wrath gauntlets on upgrade and my much anticipated Drake Talon Pauldrons. Even more I was absolutely amazed at the crit numbers that I was putting out last night. I hit like a truck I hit like a semi-truck it appears.
Best part of the night? Pulling aggro at 3% on Chrom, switching to sword and board and shield walling/shield block spamming him down in my dps gear. :D Great night. WTB more of them pst.
Those interested can check out Shal's new gear