Jan 10, 2006 23:16
Ahh~~ 87.4GB free on the harddrive! :DDD That feels good. That's bigger than the entire old drive. XD;
Today was pretty standard. After school, we tried to film our English project but we couldn't get a video camera. One girl in our group is a co-minister for video editting for the school, so she tried to get the school's camera. It was at the other minister's house and she wouldn't get it because it's only for cabinet activities. Does anybody really care if we use it for a school project for a day? Uh, no. So today, we couldn't do anything, but we did plan who was in charge of what. I'm doing the poster, which shouldn't be too hard. (Yay, Photoshop!)
I was like 30 minutes late for choir today. We're doing a song from Oklahoma and I have no idea what I'm doing. Just that one though. Everything else is fine. Can't believe there's a competition in a few weeks. :O! I never went to a vocal competition before...
Uhm.. I'm sort of glad that my mom works the evening shift now. I have more freedom to do what I want after school. Like, even staying after to talk to people and hang out; I couldn't do that in grade 9!
My arms are still a bit sore from those needles. Someone play-punched me and it hurt a little. D: I usually don't get sore though... it must be that double dose!!