Jan 25, 2006 06:05
I lost my wallet!!!! ...I am in a bad situation with money so as of right now...I don't have any.......can't go to work to make more money...because I don't have money to ride the bus.....and I have to wait for cota's lost and found to open so I can see if they found it...but I highly doubt whoever found it stepped up and gave it to the driver...but they will just find 4 dollars...maxed out credit cards, and a debit card with only 19 dollars on it....buuuuut...they will also have my ID for both my school and my Ohio ID...my Social Security Card...my passport number.....*cries*....I just hope COTA found it and I didn't lose it OUTSIDE! I mean I can't hear if stuff falls out of my bag because I wear headphones....WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!!!! *curls into bed and weeps...*