Jan 11, 2006 00:57
So I got home on Monday from my very exciting trip to Japan. I'm up right now at 3:44 am because I'm still on Japanese time....I have to go to work soon too!!!! arrghhh... (working yesterday with Jet Lag was pure torture!) I'm not up for it now, but I'll try to get the details of my trip up online, pictures will follow once I get them developed! here are some highlights from my experience:
expensive, earthquake, suicide, production IG, ton's of shops, comiket, karaoke, grocery stores, walking till you can't walk anymore, stares, crowded, statues with huge genatalia, cow tounge, moneyless, octopuss tentacle....etc....hehe
Anyway, I'm soooo soooo far behind on art projects but I hope to get somethings up and running before the end of this week, I got some T-shirt design ideas for an upcoming convention that I hope to get penciling soon! Especially since the meeting is this weekend and I'll finally will be able to attend one! (yay for not working on a weekend!)
Well I need to force my self to go to bed so I don't suck at work like I did yesterday,