Off to Animarathon

Apr 02, 2005 08:57

So today is Animarathon, a one day con in bowling green. I guess I'll see how one day con's do on the selling art front! I'm just scared that no one will show up but I am sure there will be a few people.

ooo! Tekkoshocon is a week away and I still wasn't able to bribe anyone into sharing a table with.... how annoying! I even offered free art and stuff!....Mindy says we should be those table moochers at cons and just try to get a table by asking people or when people leave their positions...hehe, it feels dirty but people do it all the time...hopefully someone forfeits their table just because there are so many newbie people getting tables this year... I needs money darnit!!!

Well the con will be fun regardless...
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