Huzzah! Ohaycon excitment is apparent with most of the people on my friendslist and I am excited too. I get to help run my first panel which is gonna be sooooo fun! I can't wait and I am going to have a couple new images for the con! Though shirts might not happen this time due to the fact that I am not near a good printer and drawing has been killing me...I'm sorry to anyone who wanted a shirt... gomen!
So a group of us from the Is it con yet? and NNFB forum have been planning our Anime Expo trip and it seems like I will be definetly going! It's going to be a crazy roadtrip because it is 33 hours away... That's scary...but worth it. I can't wait to go to Cali, because I have never been and I will get to go to a huge con! It will be so much fun!
Oh, and I think I got the Ikasucon gig! I got an email last week about doing a flyer for them and if I am lucky my mascot desgins will be on the webpage! Yay! I finished the flyer today and have the image below! I am not completely happy with it but it is ok... I can't wait to get my tablet when I go back to Columbus next week.