Jan 03, 2007 20:15
Hello. The word right now seems to be that since Taku had the flu (hey I made a rhyme!) it prevented him from properly absorbing his meds (since he ended up vomiting them up more often than not before they digest) so basically its like he has been off meds for a week. They also decided that his anti psych dose was about half of what it was supposed to be, so they raised it. The level he was at was the first step in what was supposed to be a work up to the therapeutic level, but since the shit happened at the clinic, ect ect he wasnt regulated like he was supposed to be so basically the anti psychs were not raised up to a level where they would have actually HELPED.
So HOPEFULLY they will send him home in the morn since it was decided that he really didnt take a dive, it was just the unfortunate circumstances of being sick and the extremely low doses of meds. They gave him meds for flu so he feels alot better and they are going to help set him up with out patient therapy ALONG with his regular therapist (whom he sees for the first time in a week).
That is all. Blessed be.