I should make a post or something

May 11, 2006 17:18

Originally, this post was going to feature the letter "E" which is the letter of ecstatic. However now it wont.

For once (in ever) I am happy. It's really neat actually. All the bad things sorta just dont matter, and the good things are so much better. Its something that I think every one out there should try atleast once in their life, since it tends to make the rest of life not suck so very much. Going into the actual series of events that caused it takes quite a bit of time, however I can say that someone did something I never thought would happen.

Someone made me something.

Now, thats a bit vague for all the people that dont know, and im sorry about that. I could elaborate, and I will once its finished, and you will all be attacked by endless pictures. Until then however, suffice it to say that the sweet spoken words of "This is what I am good at, and I wanted to make something for you" were those that I thought I would never hear.

Sometimes, what it takes to make someone like me happy is so simple, no one ever figures it out. Happy in that last sentence is an understatment of the century, or millenium, or what ever time frame you want to use right now. So yeah, there we go, and here I am, or something similar.

I'm working on a couple song things as well. Two originals, and one cover. One of the originals people have heard, the other isnt finished the words part, since Im trying really really hard to get across what goes on in my mind into words. The problem there in is the fact that I tend to think in pictures, so describing them can be a tricky, if not impossible, task. The cover is also a secret eating, which is going to take me a bit too. But like all good things, you cant have instant gratification.

Unlike super awesome things, which are in their nature, instant gratification.

Maybe the music is instant gratification for the people that they are done for. It could be. I mean, they just hear it all at once, so in that manner of speaking it is pretty instant. However, not like ramen. And also not like the eternal search for something that I dare not mention on my LJ, or maybe I should. Heh, if I just say something like, "Its a never ending quest that starts at borders, but probably will end up extending elsewhere" should cover it for those in the know.

And I dont wanna hear any comments on my choice of words, unless its in person, and I can make a funny sound, and change the subject... or will I??

Ahhhh ramen, how I miss thee.

Yeah, I should be cleaning the house right now.... craaapppp...


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