Okay, so I've finally decided to upadte my journal more often. And i guess that means writing more mundane stuff. I guess i'm not really a journal-person after all.
Anyway, I've (finally) started university and it's pretty great. I know that my first few months or years in a new environment isn't always the best, so I was pretty apprehensive about going back to school after 8 months. (sidetrack: what the hell, singapore system)
I guess for me, it has been a lot of decisions that i had to make, and i guess my school situation is kinda odd right now. (yeah, way to go. I always get myself into wierd situations.
Firstly, I'm in faculty of arts and social sciences (fass), which means that to everyone who doesn't know me, I'm now an arts student. Me, the one that fails/barely passes a single test in hmanities. An arts student. What. Me, like most of the other science people in FASS, came here just to do psychology.
We're supposed to take 5 modules a semester, and it is done through this insane system of bidding, which I suck at, and I ended up with four official modules, and i didnt know that i was supposed to appeal for my fifth module.
But the thing is that, i wrote down all the modules that i wanted to attend, and i managed to squeeze out enough time to crash two more courses, meaning that i am effectiveky taking six modules. Hooray! Even though it kind of sucks to depend my friend to doenload and send me he slides and notes, it's totally good fun because I enjoy what i am learning, and there's hardly any stress of studying.
The bad part, ti me at least, is when people ask me what modules i am taking, and i think that most of themjust end up giving me a look of pity(???) because I have to take six modules in the next sem. Meh. No problem for me.
I still think I'm pretty darn blessed, though. I managed to find friends in every module, even those that I crashed, and my new friends are really nice to me. And it's fun when the math majors ask me why I (an 'arts' student) would willingly take their calculus module. I'm really not comfortable with these labels. It just doesn't say anything meaningful nor accurate about me.
I also considered transferring to the finance faculty,since I figured that I can do it well and it's intuitive for me (crash module, FIN2004 without it's prerequisite, ACC1002. End up understanding fin2004 better than acc1002. Lol.) but I don't think I'm ready to give up my love for psychology just yet. Besides, i guess my faculty is slack enough that I can take the finance modules that I wanted on my free time anyway.
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