
Mar 20, 2007 23:40

Take the numb pain in my knee that I had before and had thought was better and multiply it times 8 and that is how it's feeling currently. I'm gonna give it a day to work itself out. I might take another Thursday off though if I have to. Maybe end up calling that Sports Therapy place still. I just really don't wanna :-)

Class wasn't much of note. It was grueling, but anti-climatic as far as Scott doing awesome things. Our 'warm up' was running for a few minutes, followed by about 6 pulling drills, followed by doing 10 push ups at one end of the dojo, running to the other end and doing ten sit ups. And we did that for a ridiculous amount of time. Finally we stopped and then we got to do 5 sets of 10 uchikomi. Which is basically a drill where you do an entry for a throw to get it down. It's pretty taxing. We weren't done yet! After that it was 25 turn overs. Which is...a person on all fours and you basically flip them. Twenty five times. Then we were done. Well, with warm ups.

We went straight into randori from there. I was with that delightful icelandic fellow who is all about toughness. Aside from crushing my shoulder doing the turnovers, before class he came up to me all excited because he was reading a judo book. "In this book I read, see you grip like this, and then here and then...." and he starts choking me. This was before we even got on the mats :-) He proceeded to show it to me about 3 times before just laughing. Delightful fellow.

I did randori on the ground with a brown belt and actually did really well. It took him a long time before he could finally catch me in a pin. He was the guy that armbarred me twice last time. I managed to keep him held down for the most part, I probably could have went for a pin but I didn't. I tend to only think in terms of submissions when I'm on the ground. I nearly got a choke on him but he managed to slip out. After he pinned me he did tell me in another month or two I'll be dangerous on the ground :-)

After that we learned sacrifice throws. I will say, I really love doing Tomoe Nage. Which you may know as the 'monkey flip' or something similar. It is when you fall backwards with your foot basically in the person's stomach using that to flip them over. It might have been that I had a really good person working for me, but he was flying when I flipped him, it was pretty fun.

We did some loose standing randori, which was really fun actually. We just exchanged throws essentially and it was really great, aside from you know, getting thrown. I really do not have the knee power to do any hip throws or anything right now. Kind of depressing. I know realistically I should just take time off and see a doctor but the stupid macho part of me is having none of that.

After that I sparred with a brown belt who really kicked my ass. I nearly got him with Osoto Gari but aside from the glimmer of hope he would just catch one of my legs with a sweep when I was off balance. It was my own fault for 1) being too tense and 2) moving around with my feet up in the air. It's hard to keep focus when you're in the mix. Anyway, after going down about 5 times I felt like I was about to vomit, which was fun. The class was rounded out with more push ups and more sit ups! I was dead afterward.

And now here I am, taking aspirin and icing my knee. Got VoicePrint in the morning. Looking forward to it. Hopefully by then I can talk without coughing.

Hope you all are doing well.
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